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Unicode U+00B5 U+02DB U+01C0 U+0060
UTF-8 11000010 10110101 11001011 10011011 11000111 10000000 01100000
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Zeichen UTF-8
Zeichen zum Akkumulator
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des Unicode-Zeichens
U+0000 00000000hinzufügen  <control>
U+0001 00000001hinzufügen  <control>
U+0002 00000010hinzufügen  <control>
U+0003 00000011hinzufügen  <control>
U+0004 00000100hinzufügen  <control>
U+0005 00000101hinzufügen  <control>
U+0006 00000110hinzufügen  <control>
U+0007 00000111hinzufügen  <control>
U+0008 00001000hinzufügen  <control>
U+0009 00001001hinzufügen  <control>
U+000A 00001010hinzufügen  <control>
U+000B 00001011hinzufügen  <control>
U+000C 00001100hinzufügen  <control>
U+000D 00001101hinzufügen  <control>
U+000E 00001110hinzufügen  <control>
U+000F 00001111hinzufügen  <control>
U+0010 00010000hinzufügen  <control>
U+0011 00010001hinzufügen  <control>
U+0012 00010010hinzufügen  <control>
U+0013 00010011hinzufügen  <control>
U+0014 00010100hinzufügen  <control>
U+0015 00010101hinzufügen  <control>
U+0016 00010110hinzufügen  <control>
U+0017 00010111hinzufügen  <control>
U+0018 00011000hinzufügen  <control>
U+0019 00011001hinzufügen  <control>
U+001A 00011010hinzufügen  <control>
U+001B 00011011hinzufügen  <control>
U+001C 00011100hinzufügen  <control>
U+001D 00011101hinzufügen  <control>
U+001E 00011110hinzufügen  <control>
U+001F 00011111hinzufügen  <control>
U+0020 00100000hinzufügen &#32; SPACE
U+0021!00100001hinzufügen &#33;! EXCLAMATION MARK
U+0022"00100010hinzufügen&quot;" &#34;" QUOTATION MARK
U+0023#00100011hinzufügen &#35;# NUMBER SIGN
U+0024$00100100hinzufügen &#36;$ DOLLAR SIGN
U+0025%00100101hinzufügen &#37;% PERCENT SIGN
U+0026&00100110hinzufügen&amp;& &#38;& AMPERSAND
U+0027'00100111hinzufügen &#39;' APOSTROPHE
U+0028(00101000hinzufügen &#40;( LEFT PARENTHESIS
U+0029)00101001hinzufügen &#41;) RIGHT PARENTHESIS
U+002A*00101010hinzufügen &#42;* ASTERISK
U+002B+00101011hinzufügen &#43;+ PLUS SIGN
U+002C,00101100hinzufügen &#44;, COMMA
U+002D-00101101hinzufügen &#45;- HYPHEN-MINUS
U+002E.00101110hinzufügen &#46;. FULL STOP
U+002F/00101111hinzufügen &#47;/ SOLIDUS
U+0030000110000hinzufügen &#48;0 DIGIT ZERO
U+0031100110001hinzufügen &#49;1 DIGIT ONE
U+0032200110010hinzufügen &#50;2 DIGIT TWO
U+0033300110011hinzufügen &#51;3 DIGIT THREE
U+0034400110100hinzufügen &#52;4 DIGIT FOUR
U+0035500110101hinzufügen &#53;5 DIGIT FIVE
U+0036600110110hinzufügen &#54;6 DIGIT SIX
U+0037700110111hinzufügen &#55;7 DIGIT SEVEN
U+0038800111000hinzufügen &#56;8 DIGIT EIGHT
U+0039900111001hinzufügen &#57;9 DIGIT NINE
U+003A:00111010hinzufügen &#58;: COLON
U+003B;00111011hinzufügen &#59;; SEMICOLON
U+003C<00111100hinzufügen&lt;< &#60;< LESS-THAN SIGN
U+003D=00111101hinzufügen &#61;= EQUALS SIGN
U+003E>00111110hinzufügen&gt;> &#62;> GREATER-THAN SIGN
U+003F?00111111hinzufügen &#63;? QUESTION MARK
U+0040@01000000hinzufügen &#64;@ COMMERCIAL AT
U+0041A01000001hinzufügen &#65;A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
U+0042B01000010hinzufügen &#66;B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
U+0043C01000011hinzufügen &#67;C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
U+0044D01000100hinzufügen &#68;D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
U+0045E01000101hinzufügen &#69;E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
U+0046F01000110hinzufügen &#70;F LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
U+0047G01000111hinzufügen &#71;G LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
U+0048H01001000hinzufügen &#72;H LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
U+0049I01001001hinzufügen &#73;I LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
U+004AJ01001010hinzufügen &#74;J LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
U+004BK01001011hinzufügen &#75;K LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
U+004CL01001100hinzufügen &#76;L LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
U+004DM01001101hinzufügen &#77;M LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
U+004EN01001110hinzufügen &#78;N LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
U+004FO01001111hinzufügen &#79;O LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
U+0050P01010000hinzufügen &#80;P LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
U+0051Q01010001hinzufügen &#81;Q LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
U+0052R01010010hinzufügen &#82;R LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
U+0053S01010011hinzufügen &#83;S LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
U+0054T01010100hinzufügen &#84;T LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
U+0055U01010101hinzufügen &#85;U LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
U+0056V01010110hinzufügen &#86;V LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
U+0057W01010111hinzufügen &#87;W LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
U+0058X01011000hinzufügen &#88;X LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
U+0059Y01011001hinzufügen &#89;Y LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
U+005AZ01011010hinzufügen &#90;Z LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
U+005B[01011011hinzufügen &#91;[ LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
U+005C\01011100hinzufügen &#92;\ REVERSE SOLIDUS
U+005D]01011101hinzufügen &#93;] RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
U+005E^01011110hinzufügen &#94;^ CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
U+005F_01011111hinzufügen &#95;_ LOW LINE
U+0060`01100000hinzufügen &#96;` GRAVE ACCENT
U+0061a01100001hinzufügen &#97;a LATIN SMALL LETTER A
U+0062b01100010hinzufügen &#98;b LATIN SMALL LETTER B
U+0063c01100011hinzufügen &#99;c LATIN SMALL LETTER C
U+0064d01100100hinzufügen &#100;d LATIN SMALL LETTER D
U+0065e01100101hinzufügen &#101;e LATIN SMALL LETTER E
U+0066f01100110hinzufügen &#102;f LATIN SMALL LETTER F
U+0067g01100111hinzufügen &#103;g LATIN SMALL LETTER G
U+0068h01101000hinzufügen &#104;h LATIN SMALL LETTER H
U+0069i01101001hinzufügen &#105;i LATIN SMALL LETTER I
U+006Aj01101010hinzufügen &#106;j LATIN SMALL LETTER J
U+006Bk01101011hinzufügen &#107;k LATIN SMALL LETTER K
U+006Cl01101100hinzufügen &#108;l LATIN SMALL LETTER L
U+006Dm01101101hinzufügen &#109;m LATIN SMALL LETTER M
U+006En01101110hinzufügen &#110;n LATIN SMALL LETTER N
U+006Fo01101111hinzufügen &#111;o LATIN SMALL LETTER O
U+0070p01110000hinzufügen &#112;p LATIN SMALL LETTER P
U+0071q01110001hinzufügen &#113;q LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
U+0072r01110010hinzufügen &#114;r LATIN SMALL LETTER R
U+0073s01110011hinzufügen &#115;s LATIN SMALL LETTER S
U+0074t01110100hinzufügen &#116;t LATIN SMALL LETTER T
U+0075u01110101hinzufügen &#117;u LATIN SMALL LETTER U
U+0076v01110110hinzufügen &#118;v LATIN SMALL LETTER V
U+0077w01110111hinzufügen &#119;w LATIN SMALL LETTER W
U+0078x01111000hinzufügen &#120;x LATIN SMALL LETTER X
U+0079y01111001hinzufügen &#121;y LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
U+007Az01111010hinzufügen &#122;z LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
U+007B{01111011hinzufügen &#123;{ LEFT CURLY BRACKET
U+007C|01111100hinzufügen &#124;| VERTICAL LINE
U+007D}01111101hinzufügen &#125;} RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
U+007E~01111110hinzufügen &#126;~ TILDE
U+007F 01111111hinzufügen  <control>
U+0080 11000010 10000000hinzufügen  <control>
U+0081 11000010 10000001hinzufügen  <control>
U+0082 11000010 10000010hinzufügen  <control>
U+0083 11000010 10000011hinzufügen  <control>
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U+0085 11000010 10000101hinzufügen  <control>
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U+008A 11000010 10001010hinzufügen  <control>
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U+008C 11000010 10001100hinzufügen  <control>
U+008D 11000010 10001101hinzufügen  <control>
U+008E 11000010 10001110hinzufügen  <control>
U+008F 11000010 10001111hinzufügen  <control>
U+0090 11000010 10010000hinzufügen  <control>
U+0091 11000010 10010001hinzufügen  <control>
U+0092 11000010 10010010hinzufügen  <control>
U+0093 11000010 10010011hinzufügen  <control>
U+0094 11000010 10010100hinzufügen  <control>
U+0095 11000010 10010101hinzufügen  <control>
U+0096 11000010 10010110hinzufügen  <control>
U+0097 11000010 10010111hinzufügen  <control>
U+0098 11000010 10011000hinzufügen  <control>
U+0099 11000010 10011001hinzufügen  <control>
U+009A 11000010 10011010hinzufügen  <control>
U+009B 11000010 10011011hinzufügen  <control>
U+009C 11000010 10011100hinzufügen  <control>
U+009D 11000010 10011101hinzufügen  <control>
U+009E 11000010 10011110hinzufügen  <control>
U+009F 11000010 10011111hinzufügen  <control>
U+00A0 11000010 10100000hinzufügen&nbsp;  &#160;  NO-BREAK SPACE
U+00A1¡11000010 10100001hinzufügen&iexcl;¡ &#161;¡ INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
U+00A2¢11000010 10100010hinzufügen&cent;¢ &#162;¢ CENT SIGN
U+00A3£11000010 10100011hinzufügen&pound;£ &#163;£ POUND SIGN
U+00A4¤11000010 10100100hinzufügen&curren;¤ &#164;¤ CURRENCY SIGN
U+00A5¥11000010 10100101hinzufügen&yen;¥ &#165;¥ YEN SIGN
U+00A6¦11000010 10100110hinzufügen&brvbar;¦ &#166;¦ BROKEN BAR
U+00A7§11000010 10100111hinzufügen&sect;§ &#167;§ SECTION SIGN
U+00A8¨11000010 10101000hinzufügen&uml;¨ &#168;¨ DIAERESIS
U+00A9©11000010 10101001hinzufügen&copy;© &#169;© COPYRIGHT SIGN
U+00AAª11000010 10101010hinzufügen&ordf;ª &#170;ª FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
U+00AB«11000010 10101011hinzufügen&laquo;« &#171;« LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
U+00AC¬11000010 10101100hinzufügen&not;¬ &#172;¬ NOT SIGN
U+00AD­11000010 10101101hinzufügen&shy;­ &#173;­ SOFT HYPHEN
U+00AE®11000010 10101110hinzufügen&reg;® &#174;® REGISTERED SIGN
U+00AF¯11000010 10101111hinzufügen&macr;¯ &#175;¯ MACRON
U+00B0°11000010 10110000hinzufügen&deg;° &#176;° DEGREE SIGN
U+00B1±11000010 10110001hinzufügen&plusmn;± &#177;± PLUS-MINUS SIGN
U+00B2²11000010 10110010hinzufügen&sup2;² &#178;² SUPERSCRIPT TWO
U+00B3³11000010 10110011hinzufügen&sup3;³ &#179;³ SUPERSCRIPT THREE
U+00B4´11000010 10110100hinzufügen&acute;´ &#180;´ ACUTE ACCENT
U+00B5µ11000010 10110101hinzufügen&micro;µ &#181;µ MICRO SIGN
U+00B611000010 10110110hinzufügen&para; &#182; PILCROW SIGN
U+00B7·11000010 10110111hinzufügen&middot;· &#183;· MIDDLE DOT
U+00B8¸11000010 10111000hinzufügen&cedil;¸ &#184;¸ CEDILLA
U+00B9¹11000010 10111001hinzufügen&sup1;¹ &#185;¹ SUPERSCRIPT ONE
U+00BAº11000010 10111010hinzufügen&ordm;º &#186;º MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
U+00BB»11000010 10111011hinzufügen&raquo;» &#187;» RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
U+00BC¼11000010 10111100hinzufügen&frac14;¼ &#188;¼ VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
U+00BD½11000010 10111101hinzufügen&frac12;½ &#189;½ VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
U+00BE¾11000010 10111110hinzufügen&frac34;¾ &#190;¾ VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
U+00BF¿11000010 10111111hinzufügen&iquest;¿ &#191;¿ INVERTED QUESTION MARK
U+00C0À11000011 10000000hinzufügen&Agrave;À &#192;À LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
U+00C1Á11000011 10000001hinzufügen&Aacute;Á &#193;Á LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
U+00C2Â11000011 10000010hinzufügen&Acirc;Â &#194;Â LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00C3Ã11000011 10000011hinzufügen&Atilde;Ã &#195;Ã LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
U+00C4Ä11000011 10000100hinzufügen&Auml;Ä &#196;Ä LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
U+00C5Å11000011 10000101hinzufügen&Aring;Å &#197;Å LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
U+00C6Æ11000011 10000110hinzufügen&AElig;Æ &#198;Æ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
U+00C7Ç11000011 10000111hinzufügen&Ccedil;Ç &#199;Ç LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
U+00C8È11000011 10001000hinzufügen&Egrave;È &#200;È LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
U+00C9É11000011 10001001hinzufügen&Eacute;É &#201;É LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
U+00CAÊ11000011 10001010hinzufügen&Ecirc;Ê &#202;Ê LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00CBË11000011 10001011hinzufügen&Euml;Ë &#203;Ë LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
U+00CCÌ11000011 10001100hinzufügen&Igrave;Ì &#204;Ì LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
U+00CDÍ11000011 10001101hinzufügen&Iacute;Í &#205;Í LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
U+00CEÎ11000011 10001110hinzufügen&Icirc;Î &#206;Î LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00CFÏ11000011 10001111hinzufügen&Iuml;Ï &#207;Ï LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
U+00D0Ð11000011 10010000hinzufügen&ETH;Ð &#208;Ð LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
U+00D1Ñ11000011 10010001hinzufügen&Ntilde;Ñ &#209;Ñ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
U+00D2Ò11000011 10010010hinzufügen&Ograve;Ò &#210;Ò LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
U+00D3Ó11000011 10010011hinzufügen&Oacute;Ó &#211;Ó LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
U+00D4Ô11000011 10010100hinzufügen&Ocirc;Ô &#212;Ô LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00D5Õ11000011 10010101hinzufügen&Otilde;Õ &#213;Õ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
U+00D6Ö11000011 10010110hinzufügen&Ouml;Ö &#214;Ö LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
U+00D7×11000011 10010111hinzufügen&times;× &#215;× MULTIPLICATION SIGN
U+00D8Ø11000011 10011000hinzufügen&Oslash;Ø &#216;Ø LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
U+00D9Ù11000011 10011001hinzufügen&Ugrave;Ù &#217;Ù LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
U+00DAÚ11000011 10011010hinzufügen&Uacute;Ú &#218;Ú LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
U+00DBÛ11000011 10011011hinzufügen&Ucirc;Û &#219;Û LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00DCÜ11000011 10011100hinzufügen&Uuml;Ü &#220;Ü LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
U+00DDÝ11000011 10011101hinzufügen&Yacute;Ý &#221;Ý LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
U+00DEÞ11000011 10011110hinzufügen&THORN;Þ &#222;Þ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
U+00DFß11000011 10011111hinzufügen&szlig;ß &#223;ß LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
U+00E0à11000011 10100000hinzufügen&agrave;à &#224;à LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
U+00E1á11000011 10100001hinzufügen&aacute;á &#225;á LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
U+00E2â11000011 10100010hinzufügen&acirc;â &#226;â LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00E3ã11000011 10100011hinzufügen&atilde;ã &#227;ã LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
U+00E4ä11000011 10100100hinzufügen&auml;ä &#228;ä LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
U+00E5å11000011 10100101hinzufügen&aring;å &#229;å LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
U+00E6æ11000011 10100110hinzufügen&aelig;æ &#230;æ LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
U+00E7ç11000011 10100111hinzufügen&ccedil;ç &#231;ç LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
U+00E8è11000011 10101000hinzufügen&egrave;è &#232;è LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
U+00E9é11000011 10101001hinzufügen&eacute;é &#233;é LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
U+00EAê11000011 10101010hinzufügen&ecirc;ê &#234;ê LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00EBë11000011 10101011hinzufügen&euml;ë &#235;ë LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
U+00ECì11000011 10101100hinzufügen&igrave;ì &#236;ì LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
U+00EDí11000011 10101101hinzufügen&iacute;í &#237;í LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
U+00EEî11000011 10101110hinzufügen&icirc;î &#238;î LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00EFï11000011 10101111hinzufügen&iuml;ï &#239;ï LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
U+00F0ð11000011 10110000hinzufügen&eth;ð &#240;ð LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
U+00F1ñ11000011 10110001hinzufügen&ntilde;ñ &#241;ñ LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
U+00F2ò11000011 10110010hinzufügen&ograve;ò &#242;ò LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
U+00F3ó11000011 10110011hinzufügen&oacute;ó &#243;ó LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
U+00F4ô11000011 10110100hinzufügen&ocirc;ô &#244;ô LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00F5õ11000011 10110101hinzufügen&otilde;õ &#245;õ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
U+00F6ö11000011 10110110hinzufügen&ouml;ö &#246;ö LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
U+00F7÷11000011 10110111hinzufügen&divide;÷ &#247;÷ DIVISION SIGN
U+00F8ø11000011 10111000hinzufügen&oslash;ø &#248;ø LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
U+00F9ù11000011 10111001hinzufügen&ugrave;ù &#249;ù LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
U+00FAú11000011 10111010hinzufügen&uacute;ú &#250;ú LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
U+00FBû11000011 10111011hinzufügen&ucirc;û &#251;û LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00FCü11000011 10111100hinzufügen&uuml;ü &#252;ü LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
U+00FDý11000011 10111101hinzufügen&yacute;ý &#253;ý LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
U+00FEþ11000011 10111110hinzufügen&thorn;þ &#254;þ LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
U+00FFÿ11000011 10111111hinzufügen&yuml;ÿ &#255;ÿ LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
U+0100Ā11000100 10000000hinzufügen &#256;Ā LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
U+0101ā11000100 10000001hinzufügen &#257;ā LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON
U+0102Ă11000100 10000010hinzufügen &#258;Ă LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
U+0103ă11000100 10000011hinzufügen &#259;ă LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
U+0104Ą11000100 10000100hinzufügen &#260;Ą LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
U+0105ą11000100 10000101hinzufügen &#261;ą LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
U+0106Ć11000100 10000110hinzufügen &#262;Ć LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
U+0107ć11000100 10000111hinzufügen &#263;ć LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
U+0108Ĉ11000100 10001000hinzufügen &#264;Ĉ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0109ĉ11000100 10001001hinzufügen &#265;ĉ LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+010AĊ11000100 10001010hinzufügen &#266;Ċ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
U+010Bċ11000100 10001011hinzufügen &#267;ċ LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
U+010CČ11000100 10001100hinzufügen &#268;Č LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
U+010Dč11000100 10001101hinzufügen &#269;č LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
U+010EĎ11000100 10001110hinzufügen &#270;Ď LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON
U+010Fď11000100 10001111hinzufügen &#271;ď LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON
U+0110Đ11000100 10010000hinzufügen &#272;Đ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
U+0111đ11000100 10010001hinzufügen &#273;đ LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
U+0112Ē11000100 10010010hinzufügen &#274;Ē LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON
U+0113ē11000100 10010011hinzufügen &#275;ē LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON
U+0114Ĕ11000100 10010100hinzufügen &#276;Ĕ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH BREVE
U+0115ĕ11000100 10010101hinzufügen &#277;ĕ LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH BREVE
U+0116Ė11000100 10010110hinzufügen &#278;Ė LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0117ė11000100 10010111hinzufügen &#279;ė LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0118Ę11000100 10011000hinzufügen &#280;Ę LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
U+0119ę11000100 10011001hinzufügen &#281;ę LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
U+011AĚ11000100 10011010hinzufügen &#282;Ě LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON
U+011Bě11000100 10011011hinzufügen &#283;ě LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON
U+011CĜ11000100 10011100hinzufügen &#284;Ĝ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+011Dĝ11000100 10011101hinzufügen &#285;ĝ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+011EĞ11000100 10011110hinzufügen &#286;Ğ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE
U+011Fğ11000100 10011111hinzufügen &#287;ğ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE
U+0120Ġ11000100 10100000hinzufügen &#288;Ġ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0121ġ11000100 10100001hinzufügen &#289;ġ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0122Ģ11000100 10100010hinzufügen &#290;Ģ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
U+0123ģ11000100 10100011hinzufügen &#291;ģ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
U+0124Ĥ11000100 10100100hinzufügen &#292;Ĥ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0125ĥ11000100 10100101hinzufügen &#293;ĥ LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0126Ħ11000100 10100110hinzufügen &#294;Ħ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE
U+0127ħ11000100 10100111hinzufügen &#295;ħ LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE
U+0128Ĩ11000100 10101000hinzufügen &#296;Ĩ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
U+0129ĩ11000100 10101001hinzufügen &#297;ĩ LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE
U+012AĪ11000100 10101010hinzufügen &#298;Ī LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
U+012Bī11000100 10101011hinzufügen &#299;ī LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
U+012CĬ11000100 10101100hinzufügen &#300;Ĭ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH BREVE
U+012Dĭ11000100 10101101hinzufügen &#301;ĭ LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH BREVE
U+012EĮ11000100 10101110hinzufügen &#302;Į LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
U+012Fį11000100 10101111hinzufügen &#303;į LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
U+0130İ11000100 10110000hinzufügen &#304;İ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0131ı11000100 10110001hinzufügen &#305;ı LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
U+0132IJ11000100 10110010hinzufügen &#306;IJ LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ
U+0133ij11000100 10110011hinzufügen &#307;ij LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ
U+0134Ĵ11000100 10110100hinzufügen &#308;Ĵ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0135ĵ11000100 10110101hinzufügen &#309;ĵ LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0136Ķ11000100 10110110hinzufügen &#310;Ķ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
U+0137ķ11000100 10110111hinzufügen &#311;ķ LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
U+0138ĸ11000100 10111000hinzufügen &#312;ĸ LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA
U+0139Ĺ11000100 10111001hinzufügen &#313;Ĺ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
U+013Aĺ11000100 10111010hinzufügen &#314;ĺ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
U+013BĻ11000100 10111011hinzufügen &#315;Ļ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
U+013Cļ11000100 10111100hinzufügen &#316;ļ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
U+013DĽ11000100 10111101hinzufügen &#317;Ľ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON
U+013Eľ11000100 10111110hinzufügen &#318;ľ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON
U+013FĿ11000100 10111111hinzufügen &#319;Ŀ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT
U+0140ŀ11000101 10000000hinzufügen &#320;ŀ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT
U+0141Ł11000101 10000001hinzufügen &#321;Ł LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
U+0142ł11000101 10000010hinzufügen &#322;ł LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
U+0143Ń11000101 10000011hinzufügen &#323;Ń LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
U+0144ń11000101 10000100hinzufügen &#324;ń LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
U+0145Ņ11000101 10000101hinzufügen &#325;Ņ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
U+0146ņ11000101 10000110hinzufügen &#326;ņ LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
U+0147Ň11000101 10000111hinzufügen &#327;Ň LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON
U+0148ň11000101 10001000hinzufügen &#328;ň LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON
U+0149ʼn11000101 10001001hinzufügen &#329;ʼn LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE
U+014AŊ11000101 10001010hinzufügen &#330;Ŋ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG
U+014Bŋ11000101 10001011hinzufügen &#331;ŋ LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG
U+014CŌ11000101 10001100hinzufügen &#332;Ō LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON
U+014Dō11000101 10001101hinzufügen &#333;ō LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON
U+014EŎ11000101 10001110hinzufügen &#334;Ŏ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH BREVE
U+014Fŏ11000101 10001111hinzufügen &#335;ŏ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH BREVE
U+0150Ő11000101 10010000hinzufügen &#336;Ő LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0151ő11000101 10010001hinzufügen &#337;ő LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0152Œ11000101 10010010hinzufügen&OElig;Œ &#338;Œ LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
U+0153œ11000101 10010011hinzufügen&oelig;œ &#339;œ LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
U+0154Ŕ11000101 10010100hinzufügen &#340;Ŕ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
U+0155ŕ11000101 10010101hinzufügen &#341;ŕ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
U+0156Ŗ11000101 10010110hinzufügen &#342;Ŗ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
U+0157ŗ11000101 10010111hinzufügen &#343;ŗ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
U+0158Ř11000101 10011000hinzufügen &#344;Ř LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON
U+0159ř11000101 10011001hinzufügen &#345;ř LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON
U+015AŚ11000101 10011010hinzufügen &#346;Ś LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
U+015Bś11000101 10011011hinzufügen &#347;ś LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
U+015CŜ11000101 10011100hinzufügen &#348;Ŝ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+015Dŝ11000101 10011101hinzufügen &#349;ŝ LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+015EŞ11000101 10011110hinzufügen &#350;Ş LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
U+015Fş11000101 10011111hinzufügen &#351;ş LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
U+0160Š11000101 10100000hinzufügen&Scaron;Š &#352;Š LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
U+0161š11000101 10100001hinzufügen&scaron;š &#353;š LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
U+0162Ţ11000101 10100010hinzufügen &#354;Ţ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
U+0163ţ11000101 10100011hinzufügen &#355;ţ LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
U+0164Ť11000101 10100100hinzufügen &#356;Ť LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON
U+0165ť11000101 10100101hinzufügen &#357;ť LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON
U+0166Ŧ11000101 10100110hinzufügen &#358;Ŧ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE
U+0167ŧ11000101 10100111hinzufügen &#359;ŧ LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE
U+0168Ũ11000101 10101000hinzufügen &#360;Ũ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE
U+0169ũ11000101 10101001hinzufügen &#361;ũ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE
U+016AŪ11000101 10101010hinzufügen &#362;Ū LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON
U+016Bū11000101 10101011hinzufügen &#363;ū LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON
U+016CŬ11000101 10101100hinzufügen &#364;Ŭ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE
U+016Dŭ11000101 10101101hinzufügen &#365;ŭ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE
U+016EŮ11000101 10101110hinzufügen &#366;Ů LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
U+016Fů11000101 10101111hinzufügen &#367;ů LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
U+0170Ű11000101 10110000hinzufügen &#368;Ű LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0171ű11000101 10110001hinzufügen &#369;ű LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0172Ų11000101 10110010hinzufügen &#370;Ų LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
U+0173ų11000101 10110011hinzufügen &#371;ų LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
U+0174Ŵ11000101 10110100hinzufügen &#372;Ŵ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0175ŵ11000101 10110101hinzufügen &#373;ŵ LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0176Ŷ11000101 10110110hinzufügen &#374;Ŷ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0177ŷ11000101 10110111hinzufügen &#375;ŷ LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0178Ÿ11000101 10111000hinzufügen&Yuml;Ÿ &#376;Ÿ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
U+0179Ź11000101 10111001hinzufügen &#377;Ź LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
U+017Aź11000101 10111010hinzufügen &#378;ź LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
U+017BŻ11000101 10111011hinzufügen &#379;Ż LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
U+017Cż11000101 10111100hinzufügen &#380;ż LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
U+017DŽ11000101 10111101hinzufügen &#381;Ž LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
U+017Ež11000101 10111110hinzufügen &#382;ž LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
U+017Fſ11000101 10111111hinzufügen &#383;ſ LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S
U+0180ƀ11000110 10000000hinzufügen &#384;ƀ LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH STROKE
U+0181Ɓ11000110 10000001hinzufügen &#385;Ɓ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH HOOK
U+0182Ƃ11000110 10000010hinzufügen &#386;Ƃ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH TOPBAR
U+0183ƃ11000110 10000011hinzufügen &#387;ƃ LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH TOPBAR
U+0184Ƅ11000110 10000100hinzufügen &#388;Ƅ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TONE SIX
U+0185ƅ11000110 10000101hinzufügen &#389;ƅ LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE SIX
U+0186Ɔ11000110 10000110hinzufügen &#390;Ɔ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OPEN O
U+0187Ƈ11000110 10000111hinzufügen &#391;Ƈ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH HOOK
U+0188ƈ11000110 10001000hinzufügen &#392;ƈ LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH HOOK
U+0189Ɖ11000110 10001001hinzufügen &#393;Ɖ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AFRICAN D
U+018AƊ11000110 10001010hinzufügen &#394;Ɗ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH HOOK
U+018BƋ11000110 10001011hinzufügen &#395;Ƌ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH TOPBAR
U+018Cƌ11000110 10001100hinzufügen &#396;ƌ LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH TOPBAR
U+018Dƍ11000110 10001101hinzufügen &#397;ƍ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED DELTA
U+018EƎ11000110 10001110hinzufügen &#398;Ǝ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER REVERSED E
U+018FƏ11000110 10001111hinzufügen &#399;Ə LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SCHWA
U+0190Ɛ11000110 10010000hinzufügen &#400;Ɛ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OPEN E
U+0191Ƒ11000110 10010001hinzufügen &#401;Ƒ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH HOOK
U+0192ƒ11000110 10010010hinzufügen&fnof;ƒ &#402;ƒ LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
U+0193Ɠ11000110 10010011hinzufügen &#403;Ɠ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH HOOK
U+0194Ɣ11000110 10010100hinzufügen &#404;Ɣ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
U+0195ƕ11000110 10010101hinzufügen &#405;ƕ LATIN SMALL LETTER HV
U+0196Ɩ11000110 10010110hinzufügen &#406;Ɩ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
U+0197Ɨ11000110 10010111hinzufügen &#407;Ɨ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH STROKE
U+0198Ƙ11000110 10011000hinzufügen &#408;Ƙ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH HOOK
U+0199ƙ11000110 10011001hinzufügen &#409;ƙ LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH HOOK
U+019Aƚ11000110 10011010hinzufügen &#410;ƚ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH BAR
U+019Bƛ11000110 10011011hinzufügen &#411;ƛ LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE
U+019CƜ11000110 10011100hinzufügen &#412;Ɯ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED M
U+019DƝ11000110 10011101hinzufügen &#413;Ɲ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LEFT HOOK
U+019Eƞ11000110 10011110hinzufügen &#414;ƞ LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG
U+019FƟ11000110 10011111hinzufügen &#415;Ɵ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+01A0Ơ11000110 10100000hinzufügen &#416;Ơ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN
U+01A1ơ11000110 10100001hinzufügen &#417;ơ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN
U+01A2Ƣ11000110 10100010hinzufügen &#418;Ƣ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OI
U+01A3ƣ11000110 10100011hinzufügen &#419;ƣ LATIN SMALL LETTER OI
U+01A4Ƥ11000110 10100100hinzufügen &#420;Ƥ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH HOOK
U+01A5ƥ11000110 10100101hinzufügen &#421;ƥ LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH HOOK
U+01A6Ʀ11000110 10100110hinzufügen &#422;Ʀ LATIN LETTER YR
U+01A7Ƨ11000110 10100111hinzufügen &#423;Ƨ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TONE TWO
U+01A8ƨ11000110 10101000hinzufügen &#424;ƨ LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE TWO
U+01A9Ʃ11000110 10101001hinzufügen &#425;Ʃ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ESH
U+01AAƪ11000110 10101010hinzufügen &#426;ƪ LATIN LETTER REVERSED ESH LOOP
U+01ABƫ11000110 10101011hinzufügen &#427;ƫ LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+01ACƬ11000110 10101100hinzufügen &#428;Ƭ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH HOOK
U+01ADƭ11000110 10101101hinzufügen &#429;ƭ LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH HOOK
U+01AEƮ11000110 10101110hinzufügen &#430;Ʈ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+01AFƯ11000110 10101111hinzufügen &#431;Ư LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN
U+01B0ư11000110 10110000hinzufügen &#432;ư LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN
U+01B1Ʊ11000110 10110001hinzufügen &#433;Ʊ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
U+01B2Ʋ11000110 10110010hinzufügen &#434;Ʋ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V WITH HOOK
U+01B3Ƴ11000110 10110011hinzufügen &#435;Ƴ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH HOOK
U+01B4ƴ11000110 10110100hinzufügen &#436;ƴ LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH HOOK
U+01B5Ƶ11000110 10110101hinzufügen &#437;Ƶ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH STROKE
U+01B6ƶ11000110 10110110hinzufügen &#438;ƶ LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH STROKE
U+01B7Ʒ11000110 10110111hinzufügen &#439;Ʒ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER EZH
U+01B8Ƹ11000110 10111000hinzufügen &#440;Ƹ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER EZH REVERSED
U+01B9ƹ11000110 10111001hinzufügen &#441;ƹ LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH REVERSED
U+01BAƺ11000110 10111010hinzufügen &#442;ƺ LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH TAIL
U+01BBƻ11000110 10111011hinzufügen &#443;ƻ LATIN LETTER TWO WITH STROKE
U+01BCƼ11000110 10111100hinzufügen &#444;Ƽ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TONE FIVE
U+01BDƽ11000110 10111101hinzufügen &#445;ƽ LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE FIVE
U+01BEƾ11000110 10111110hinzufügen &#446;ƾ LATIN LETTER INVERTED GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE
U+01BFƿ11000110 10111111hinzufügen &#447;ƿ LATIN LETTER WYNN
U+01C0ǀ11000111 10000000hinzufügen &#448;ǀ LATIN LETTER DENTAL CLICK
U+01C1ǁ11000111 10000001hinzufügen &#449;ǁ LATIN LETTER LATERAL CLICK
U+01C2ǂ11000111 10000010hinzufügen &#450;ǂ LATIN LETTER ALVEOLAR CLICK
U+01C3ǃ11000111 10000011hinzufügen &#451;ǃ LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK
U+01C4DŽ11000111 10000100hinzufügen &#452;DŽ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ WITH CARON
U+01C5Dž11000111 10000101hinzufügen &#453;Dž LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
U+01C6dž11000111 10000110hinzufügen &#454;dž LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ WITH CARON
U+01C7LJ11000111 10000111hinzufügen &#455;LJ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LJ
U+01C8Lj11000111 10001000hinzufügen &#456;Lj LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH SMALL LETTER J
U+01C9lj11000111 10001001hinzufügen &#457;lj LATIN SMALL LETTER LJ
U+01CANJ11000111 10001010hinzufügen &#458;NJ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER NJ
U+01CBNj11000111 10001011hinzufügen &#459;Nj LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH SMALL LETTER J
U+01CCnj11000111 10001100hinzufügen &#460;nj LATIN SMALL LETTER NJ
U+01CDǍ11000111 10001101hinzufügen &#461;Ǎ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CARON
U+01CEǎ11000111 10001110hinzufügen &#462;ǎ LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CARON
U+01CFǏ11000111 10001111hinzufügen &#463;Ǐ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CARON
U+01D0ǐ11000111 10010000hinzufügen &#464;ǐ LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CARON
U+01D1Ǒ11000111 10010001hinzufügen &#465;Ǒ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CARON
U+01D2ǒ11000111 10010010hinzufügen &#466;ǒ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CARON
U+01D3Ǔ11000111 10010011hinzufügen &#467;Ǔ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CARON
U+01D4ǔ11000111 10010100hinzufügen &#468;ǔ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CARON
U+01D5Ǖ11000111 10010101hinzufügen &#469;Ǖ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON
U+01D6ǖ11000111 10010110hinzufügen &#470;ǖ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON
U+01D7Ǘ11000111 10010111hinzufügen &#471;Ǘ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND ACUTE
U+01D8ǘ11000111 10011000hinzufügen &#472;ǘ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND ACUTE
U+01D9Ǚ11000111 10011001hinzufügen &#473;Ǚ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND CARON
U+01DAǚ11000111 10011010hinzufügen &#474;ǚ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND CARON
U+01DBǛ11000111 10011011hinzufügen &#475;Ǜ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND GRAVE
U+01DCǜ11000111 10011100hinzufügen &#476;ǜ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND GRAVE
U+01DDǝ11000111 10011101hinzufügen &#477;ǝ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED E
U+01DFǟ11000111 10011111hinzufügen &#479;ǟ LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON
U+01E0Ǡ11000111 10100000hinzufügen &#480;Ǡ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON
U+01E1ǡ11000111 10100001hinzufügen &#481;ǡ LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON
U+01E2Ǣ11000111 10100010hinzufügen &#482;Ǣ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE WITH MACRON
U+01E3ǣ11000111 10100011hinzufügen &#483;ǣ LATIN SMALL LETTER AE WITH MACRON
U+01E4Ǥ11000111 10100100hinzufügen &#484;Ǥ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH STROKE
U+01E5ǥ11000111 10100101hinzufügen &#485;ǥ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH STROKE
U+01E6Ǧ11000111 10100110hinzufügen &#486;Ǧ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CARON
U+01E7ǧ11000111 10100111hinzufügen &#487;ǧ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CARON
U+01E8Ǩ11000111 10101000hinzufügen &#488;Ǩ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CARON
U+01E9ǩ11000111 10101001hinzufügen &#489;ǩ LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CARON
U+01EAǪ11000111 10101010hinzufügen &#490;Ǫ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH OGONEK
U+01EBǫ11000111 10101011hinzufügen &#491;ǫ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH OGONEK
U+01ECǬ11000111 10101100hinzufügen &#492;Ǭ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH OGONEK AND MACRON
U+01EDǭ11000111 10101101hinzufügen &#493;ǭ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH OGONEK AND MACRON
U+01EEǮ11000111 10101110hinzufügen &#494;Ǯ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER EZH WITH CARON
U+01EFǯ11000111 10101111hinzufügen &#495;ǯ LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH CARON
U+01F0ǰ11000111 10110000hinzufügen &#496;ǰ LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CARON
U+01F1DZ11000111 10110001hinzufügen &#497;DZ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ
U+01F2Dz11000111 10110010hinzufügen &#498;Dz LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z
U+01F3dz11000111 10110011hinzufügen &#499;dz LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ
U+01F4Ǵ11000111 10110100hinzufügen &#500;Ǵ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH ACUTE
U+01F5ǵ11000111 10110101hinzufügen &#501;ǵ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH ACUTE
U+01F6Ƕ11000111 10110110hinzufügen &#502;Ƕ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER HWAIR
U+01F7Ƿ11000111 10110111hinzufügen &#503;Ƿ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER WYNN
U+01F8Ǹ11000111 10111000hinzufügen &#504;Ǹ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH GRAVE
U+01F9ǹ11000111 10111001hinzufügen &#505;ǹ LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH GRAVE
U+01FAǺ11000111 10111010hinzufügen &#506;Ǻ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE AND ACUTE
U+01FBǻ11000111 10111011hinzufügen &#507;ǻ LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE AND ACUTE
U+01FCǼ11000111 10111100hinzufügen &#508;Ǽ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE WITH ACUTE
U+01FDǽ11000111 10111101hinzufügen &#509;ǽ LATIN SMALL LETTER AE WITH ACUTE
U+01FEǾ11000111 10111110hinzufügen &#510;Ǿ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE AND ACUTE
U+01FFǿ11000111 10111111hinzufügen &#511;ǿ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE AND ACUTE
U+0200Ȁ11001000 10000000hinzufügen &#512;Ȁ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0201ȁ11001000 10000001hinzufügen &#513;ȁ LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0202Ȃ11001000 10000010hinzufügen &#514;Ȃ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0203ȃ11001000 10000011hinzufügen &#515;ȃ LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0204Ȅ11001000 10000100hinzufügen &#516;Ȅ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0205ȅ11001000 10000101hinzufügen &#517;ȅ LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0206Ȇ11001000 10000110hinzufügen &#518;Ȇ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0207ȇ11001000 10000111hinzufügen &#519;ȇ LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0208Ȉ11001000 10001000hinzufügen &#520;Ȉ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0209ȉ11001000 10001001hinzufügen &#521;ȉ LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+020AȊ11001000 10001010hinzufügen &#522;Ȋ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+020Bȋ11001000 10001011hinzufügen &#523;ȋ LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+020CȌ11001000 10001100hinzufügen &#524;Ȍ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+020Dȍ11001000 10001101hinzufügen &#525;ȍ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+020EȎ11001000 10001110hinzufügen &#526;Ȏ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+020Fȏ11001000 10001111hinzufügen &#527;ȏ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0210Ȑ11001000 10010000hinzufügen &#528;Ȑ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0211ȑ11001000 10010001hinzufügen &#529;ȑ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0212Ȓ11001000 10010010hinzufügen &#530;Ȓ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0213ȓ11001000 10010011hinzufügen &#531;ȓ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0214Ȕ11001000 10010100hinzufügen &#532;Ȕ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0215ȕ11001000 10010101hinzufügen &#533;ȕ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
U+0216Ȗ11001000 10010110hinzufügen &#534;Ȗ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0217ȗ11001000 10010111hinzufügen &#535;ȗ LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH INVERTED BREVE
U+0218Ș11001000 10011000hinzufügen &#536;Ș LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW
U+0219ș11001000 10011001hinzufügen &#537;ș LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW
U+021AȚ11001000 10011010hinzufügen &#538;Ț LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW
U+021Bț11001000 10011011hinzufügen &#539;ț LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW
U+021CȜ11001000 10011100hinzufügen &#540;Ȝ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER YOGH
U+021Dȝ11001000 10011101hinzufügen &#541;ȝ LATIN SMALL LETTER YOGH
U+021EȞ11001000 10011110hinzufügen &#542;Ȟ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CARON
U+021Fȟ11001000 10011111hinzufügen &#543;ȟ LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CARON
U+0220Ƞ11001000 10100000hinzufügen &#544;Ƞ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG
U+0221ȡ11001000 10100001hinzufügen &#545;ȡ LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CURL
U+0222Ȣ11001000 10100010hinzufügen &#546;Ȣ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OU
U+0223ȣ11001000 10100011hinzufügen &#547;ȣ LATIN SMALL LETTER OU
U+0224Ȥ11001000 10100100hinzufügen &#548;Ȥ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH HOOK
U+0225ȥ11001000 10100101hinzufügen &#549;ȥ LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH HOOK
U+0226Ȧ11001000 10100110hinzufügen &#550;Ȧ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0227ȧ11001000 10100111hinzufügen &#551;ȧ LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0228Ȩ11001000 10101000hinzufügen &#552;Ȩ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA
U+0229ȩ11001000 10101001hinzufügen &#553;ȩ LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA
U+022AȪ11001000 10101010hinzufügen &#554;Ȫ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON
U+022Bȫ11001000 10101011hinzufügen &#555;ȫ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON
U+022CȬ11001000 10101100hinzufügen &#556;Ȭ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND MACRON
U+022Dȭ11001000 10101101hinzufügen &#557;ȭ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND MACRON
U+022EȮ11001000 10101110hinzufügen &#558;Ȯ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE
U+022Fȯ11001000 10101111hinzufügen &#559;ȯ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0230Ȱ11001000 10110000hinzufügen &#560;Ȱ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON
U+0231ȱ11001000 10110001hinzufügen &#561;ȱ LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON
U+0232Ȳ11001000 10110010hinzufügen &#562;Ȳ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH MACRON
U+0233ȳ11001000 10110011hinzufügen &#563;ȳ LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH MACRON
U+0234ȴ11001000 10110100hinzufügen &#564;ȴ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CURL
U+0235ȵ11001000 10110101hinzufügen &#565;ȵ LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CURL
U+0236ȶ11001000 10110110hinzufügen &#566;ȶ LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CURL
U+0237ȷ11001000 10110111hinzufügen &#567;ȷ LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J
U+0238ȸ11001000 10111000hinzufügen &#568;ȸ LATIN SMALL LETTER DB DIGRAPH
U+0239ȹ11001000 10111001hinzufügen &#569;ȹ LATIN SMALL LETTER QP DIGRAPH
U+023AȺ11001000 10111010hinzufügen &#570;Ⱥ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH STROKE
U+023BȻ11001000 10111011hinzufügen &#571;Ȼ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH STROKE
U+023Cȼ11001000 10111100hinzufügen &#572;ȼ LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH STROKE
U+023DȽ11001000 10111101hinzufügen &#573;Ƚ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH BAR
U+023EȾ11001000 10111110hinzufügen &#574;Ⱦ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH DIAGONAL STROKE
U+023Fȿ11001000 10111111hinzufügen &#575;ȿ LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH SWASH TAIL
U+0240ɀ11001001 10000000hinzufügen &#576;ɀ LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH SWASH TAIL
U+0241Ɂ11001001 10000001hinzufügen &#577;Ɂ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER GLOTTAL STOP
U+0242ɂ11001001 10000010hinzufügen &#578;ɂ LATIN SMALL LETTER GLOTTAL STOP
U+0243Ƀ11001001 10000011hinzufügen &#579;Ƀ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH STROKE
U+0244Ʉ11001001 10000100hinzufügen &#580;Ʉ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U BAR
U+0245Ʌ11001001 10000101hinzufügen &#581;Ʌ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED V
U+0246Ɇ11001001 10000110hinzufügen &#582;Ɇ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH STROKE
U+0247ɇ11001001 10000111hinzufügen &#583;ɇ LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH STROKE
U+0248Ɉ11001001 10001000hinzufügen &#584;Ɉ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH STROKE
U+0249ɉ11001001 10001001hinzufügen &#585;ɉ LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH STROKE
U+024AɊ11001001 10001010hinzufügen &#586;Ɋ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SMALL Q WITH HOOK TAIL
U+024Bɋ11001001 10001011hinzufügen &#587;ɋ LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH HOOK TAIL
U+024CɌ11001001 10001100hinzufügen &#588;Ɍ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH STROKE
U+024Dɍ11001001 10001101hinzufügen &#589;ɍ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH STROKE
U+024EɎ11001001 10001110hinzufügen &#590;Ɏ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH STROKE
U+024Fɏ11001001 10001111hinzufügen &#591;ɏ LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH STROKE
U+0250ɐ11001001 10010000hinzufügen &#592;ɐ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED A
U+0251ɑ11001001 10010001hinzufügen &#593;ɑ LATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA
U+0252ɒ11001001 10010010hinzufügen &#594;ɒ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED ALPHA
U+0253ɓ11001001 10010011hinzufügen &#595;ɓ LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH HOOK
U+0254ɔ11001001 10010100hinzufügen &#596;ɔ LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O
U+0255ɕ11001001 10010101hinzufügen &#597;ɕ LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CURL
U+0256ɖ11001001 10010110hinzufügen &#598;ɖ LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH TAIL
U+0257ɗ11001001 10010111hinzufügen &#599;ɗ LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH HOOK
U+0258ɘ11001001 10011000hinzufügen &#600;ɘ LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED E
U+0259ə11001001 10011001hinzufügen &#601;ə LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA
U+025Aɚ11001001 10011010hinzufügen &#602;ɚ LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH HOOK
U+025Bɛ11001001 10011011hinzufügen &#603;ɛ LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E
U+025Cɜ11001001 10011100hinzufügen &#604;ɜ LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED OPEN E
U+025Dɝ11001001 10011101hinzufügen &#605;ɝ LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED OPEN E WITH HOOK
U+025Eɞ11001001 10011110hinzufügen &#606;ɞ LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED REVERSED OPEN E
U+025Fɟ11001001 10011111hinzufügen &#607;ɟ LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE
U+0260ɠ11001001 10100000hinzufügen &#608;ɠ LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH HOOK
U+0261ɡ11001001 10100001hinzufügen &#609;ɡ LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G
U+0262ɢ11001001 10100010hinzufügen &#610;ɢ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G
U+0263ɣ11001001 10100011hinzufügen &#611;ɣ LATIN SMALL LETTER GAMMA
U+0264ɤ11001001 10100100hinzufügen &#612;ɤ LATIN SMALL LETTER RAMS HORN
U+0265ɥ11001001 10100101hinzufügen &#613;ɥ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED H
U+0266ɦ11001001 10100110hinzufügen &#614;ɦ LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH HOOK
U+0267ɧ11001001 10100111hinzufügen &#615;ɧ LATIN SMALL LETTER HENG WITH HOOK
U+0268ɨ11001001 10101000hinzufügen &#616;ɨ LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH STROKE
U+0269ɩ11001001 10101001hinzufügen &#617;ɩ LATIN SMALL LETTER IOTA
U+026Aɪ11001001 10101010hinzufügen &#618;ɪ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I
U+026Bɫ11001001 10101011hinzufügen &#619;ɫ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+026Cɬ11001001 10101100hinzufügen &#620;ɬ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH BELT
U+026Dɭ11001001 10101101hinzufügen &#621;ɭ LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+026Eɮ11001001 10101110hinzufügen &#622;ɮ LATIN SMALL LETTER LEZH
U+026Fɯ11001001 10101111hinzufügen &#623;ɯ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M
U+0270ɰ11001001 10110000hinzufügen &#624;ɰ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M WITH LONG LEG
U+0271ɱ11001001 10110001hinzufügen &#625;ɱ LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH HOOK
U+0272ɲ11001001 10110010hinzufügen &#626;ɲ LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LEFT HOOK
U+0273ɳ11001001 10110011hinzufügen &#627;ɳ LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+0274ɴ11001001 10110100hinzufügen &#628;ɴ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL N
U+0275ɵ11001001 10110101hinzufügen &#629;ɵ LATIN SMALL LETTER BARRED O
U+0276ɶ11001001 10110110hinzufügen &#630;ɶ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OE
U+0277ɷ11001001 10110111hinzufügen &#631;ɷ LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OMEGA
U+0278ɸ11001001 10111000hinzufügen &#632;ɸ LATIN SMALL LETTER PHI
U+0279ɹ11001001 10111001hinzufügen &#633;ɹ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R
U+027Aɺ11001001 10111010hinzufügen &#634;ɺ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH LONG LEG
U+027Bɻ11001001 10111011hinzufügen &#635;ɻ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH HOOK
U+027Cɼ11001001 10111100hinzufügen &#636;ɼ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH LONG LEG
U+027Dɽ11001001 10111101hinzufügen &#637;ɽ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH TAIL
U+027Eɾ11001001 10111110hinzufügen &#638;ɾ LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH FISHHOOK
U+027Fɿ11001001 10111111hinzufügen &#639;ɿ LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED R WITH FISHHOOK
U+0280ʀ11001010 10000000hinzufügen &#640;ʀ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL R
U+0281ʁ11001010 10000001hinzufügen &#641;ʁ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL INVERTED R
U+0282ʂ11001010 10000010hinzufügen &#642;ʂ LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH HOOK
U+0283ʃ11001010 10000011hinzufügen &#643;ʃ LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH
U+0284ʄ11001010 10000100hinzufügen &#644;ʄ LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE AND HOOK
U+0285ʅ11001010 10000101hinzufügen &#645;ʅ LATIN SMALL LETTER SQUAT REVERSED ESH
U+0286ʆ11001010 10000110hinzufügen &#646;ʆ LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH WITH CURL
U+0287ʇ11001010 10000111hinzufügen &#647;ʇ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED T
U+0288ʈ11001010 10001000hinzufügen &#648;ʈ LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+0289ʉ11001010 10001001hinzufügen &#649;ʉ LATIN SMALL LETTER U BAR
U+028Aʊ11001010 10001010hinzufügen &#650;ʊ LATIN SMALL LETTER UPSILON
U+028Bʋ11001010 10001011hinzufügen &#651;ʋ LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH HOOK
U+028Cʌ11001010 10001100hinzufügen &#652;ʌ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED V
U+028Dʍ11001010 10001101hinzufügen &#653;ʍ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED W
U+028Eʎ11001010 10001110hinzufügen &#654;ʎ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED Y
U+028Fʏ11001010 10001111hinzufügen &#655;ʏ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Y
U+0290ʐ11001010 10010000hinzufügen &#656;ʐ LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+0291ʑ11001010 10010001hinzufügen &#657;ʑ LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CURL
U+0292ʒ11001010 10010010hinzufügen &#658;ʒ LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH
U+0293ʓ11001010 10010011hinzufügen &#659;ʓ LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH CURL
U+0294ʔ11001010 10010100hinzufügen &#660;ʔ LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP
U+0295ʕ11001010 10010101hinzufügen &#661;ʕ LATIN LETTER PHARYNGEAL VOICED FRICATIVE
U+0296ʖ11001010 10010110hinzufügen &#662;ʖ LATIN LETTER INVERTED GLOTTAL STOP
U+0297ʗ11001010 10010111hinzufügen &#663;ʗ LATIN LETTER STRETCHED C
U+0298ʘ11001010 10011000hinzufügen &#664;ʘ LATIN LETTER BILABIAL CLICK
U+0299ʙ11001010 10011001hinzufügen &#665;ʙ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL B
U+029Aʚ11001010 10011010hinzufügen &#666;ʚ LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OPEN E
U+029Bʛ11001010 10011011hinzufügen &#667;ʛ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G WITH HOOK
U+029Cʜ11001010 10011100hinzufügen &#668;ʜ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL H
U+029Dʝ11001010 10011101hinzufügen &#669;ʝ LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CROSSED-TAIL
U+029Eʞ11001010 10011110hinzufügen &#670;ʞ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED K
U+029Fʟ11001010 10011111hinzufügen &#671;ʟ LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L
U+02A0ʠ11001010 10100000hinzufügen &#672;ʠ LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH HOOK
U+02A1ʡ11001010 10100001hinzufügen &#673;ʡ LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE
U+02A2ʢ11001010 10100010hinzufügen &#674;ʢ LATIN LETTER REVERSED GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE
U+02A3ʣ11001010 10100011hinzufügen &#675;ʣ LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ DIGRAPH
U+02A4ʤ11001010 10100100hinzufügen &#676;ʤ LATIN SMALL LETTER DEZH DIGRAPH
U+02A5ʥ11001010 10100101hinzufügen &#677;ʥ LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ DIGRAPH WITH CURL
U+02A6ʦ11001010 10100110hinzufügen &#678;ʦ LATIN SMALL LETTER TS DIGRAPH
U+02A7ʧ11001010 10100111hinzufügen &#679;ʧ LATIN SMALL LETTER TESH DIGRAPH
U+02A8ʨ11001010 10101000hinzufügen &#680;ʨ LATIN SMALL LETTER TC DIGRAPH WITH CURL
U+02A9ʩ11001010 10101001hinzufügen &#681;ʩ LATIN SMALL LETTER FENG DIGRAPH
U+02AAʪ11001010 10101010hinzufügen &#682;ʪ LATIN SMALL LETTER LS DIGRAPH
U+02ABʫ11001010 10101011hinzufügen &#683;ʫ LATIN SMALL LETTER LZ DIGRAPH
U+02ACʬ11001010 10101100hinzufügen &#684;ʬ LATIN LETTER BILABIAL PERCUSSIVE
U+02ADʭ11001010 10101101hinzufügen &#685;ʭ LATIN LETTER BIDENTAL PERCUSSIVE
U+02AEʮ11001010 10101110hinzufügen &#686;ʮ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED H WITH FISHHOOK
U+02AFʯ11001010 10101111hinzufügen &#687;ʯ LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED H WITH FISHHOOK AND TAIL
U+02B0ʰ11001010 10110000hinzufügen &#688;ʰ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL H
U+02B1ʱ11001010 10110001hinzufügen &#689;ʱ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL H WITH HOOK
U+02B2ʲ11001010 10110010hinzufügen &#690;ʲ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL J
U+02B3ʳ11001010 10110011hinzufügen &#691;ʳ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL R
U+02B4ʴ11001010 10110100hinzufügen &#692;ʴ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED R
U+02B5ʵ11001010 10110101hinzufügen &#693;ʵ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED R WITH HOOK
U+02B6ʶ11001010 10110110hinzufügen &#694;ʶ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL CAPITAL INVERTED R
U+02B7ʷ11001010 10110111hinzufügen &#695;ʷ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL W
U+02B8ʸ11001010 10111000hinzufügen &#696;ʸ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL Y
U+02B9ʹ11001010 10111001hinzufügen &#697;ʹ MODIFIER LETTER PRIME
U+02BAʺ11001010 10111010hinzufügen &#698;ʺ MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME
U+02BBʻ11001010 10111011hinzufügen &#699;ʻ MODIFIER LETTER TURNED COMMA
U+02BCʼ11001010 10111100hinzufügen &#700;ʼ MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE
U+02BDʽ11001010 10111101hinzufügen &#701;ʽ MODIFIER LETTER REVERSED COMMA
U+02BEʾ11001010 10111110hinzufügen &#702;ʾ MODIFIER LETTER RIGHT HALF RING
U+02BFʿ11001010 10111111hinzufügen &#703;ʿ MODIFIER LETTER LEFT HALF RING
U+02C0ˀ11001011 10000000hinzufügen &#704;ˀ MODIFIER LETTER GLOTTAL STOP
U+02C1ˁ11001011 10000001hinzufügen &#705;ˁ MODIFIER LETTER REVERSED GLOTTAL STOP
U+02C2˂11001011 10000010hinzufügen &#706;˂ MODIFIER LETTER LEFT ARROWHEAD
U+02C3˃11001011 10000011hinzufügen &#707;˃ MODIFIER LETTER RIGHT ARROWHEAD
U+02C4˄11001011 10000100hinzufügen &#708;˄ MODIFIER LETTER UP ARROWHEAD
U+02C5˅11001011 10000101hinzufügen &#709;˅ MODIFIER LETTER DOWN ARROWHEAD
U+02C6ˆ11001011 10000110hinzufügen&circ;ˆ &#710;ˆ MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
U+02C7ˇ11001011 10000111hinzufügen &#711;ˇ CARON
U+02C8ˈ11001011 10001000hinzufügen &#712;ˈ MODIFIER LETTER VERTICAL LINE
U+02C9ˉ11001011 10001001hinzufügen &#713;ˉ MODIFIER LETTER MACRON
U+02CAˊ11001011 10001010hinzufügen &#714;ˊ MODIFIER LETTER ACUTE ACCENT
U+02CBˋ11001011 10001011hinzufügen &#715;ˋ MODIFIER LETTER GRAVE ACCENT
U+02CCˌ11001011 10001100hinzufügen &#716;ˌ MODIFIER LETTER LOW VERTICAL LINE
U+02CDˍ11001011 10001101hinzufügen &#717;ˍ MODIFIER LETTER LOW MACRON
U+02CEˎ11001011 10001110hinzufügen &#718;ˎ MODIFIER LETTER LOW GRAVE ACCENT
U+02CFˏ11001011 10001111hinzufügen &#719;ˏ MODIFIER LETTER LOW ACUTE ACCENT
U+02D0ː11001011 10010000hinzufügen &#720;ː MODIFIER LETTER TRIANGULAR COLON
U+02D1ˑ11001011 10010001hinzufügen &#721;ˑ MODIFIER LETTER HALF TRIANGULAR COLON
U+02D2˒11001011 10010010hinzufügen &#722;˒ MODIFIER LETTER CENTRED RIGHT HALF RING
U+02D3˓11001011 10010011hinzufügen &#723;˓ MODIFIER LETTER CENTRED LEFT HALF RING
U+02D4˔11001011 10010100hinzufügen &#724;˔ MODIFIER LETTER UP TACK
U+02D5˕11001011 10010101hinzufügen &#725;˕ MODIFIER LETTER DOWN TACK
U+02D6˖11001011 10010110hinzufügen &#726;˖ MODIFIER LETTER PLUS SIGN
U+02D7˗11001011 10010111hinzufügen &#727;˗ MODIFIER LETTER MINUS SIGN
U+02D8˘11001011 10011000hinzufügen &#728;˘ BREVE
U+02D9˙11001011 10011001hinzufügen &#729;˙ DOT ABOVE
U+02DA˚11001011 10011010hinzufügen &#730;˚ RING ABOVE
U+02DB˛11001011 10011011hinzufügen &#731;˛ OGONEK
U+02DC˜11001011 10011100hinzufügen&tilde;˜ &#732;˜ SMALL TILDE
U+02DD˝11001011 10011101hinzufügen &#733;˝ DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT
U+02DE˞11001011 10011110hinzufügen &#734;˞ MODIFIER LETTER RHOTIC HOOK
U+02DF˟11001011 10011111hinzufügen &#735;˟ MODIFIER LETTER CROSS ACCENT
U+02E0ˠ11001011 10100000hinzufügen &#736;ˠ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GAMMA
U+02E1ˡ11001011 10100001hinzufügen &#737;ˡ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL L
U+02E2ˢ11001011 10100010hinzufügen &#738;ˢ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL S
U+02E3ˣ11001011 10100011hinzufügen &#739;ˣ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL X
U+02E4ˤ11001011 10100100hinzufügen &#740;ˤ MODIFIER LETTER SMALL REVERSED GLOTTAL STOP
U+02E5˥11001011 10100101hinzufügen &#741;˥ MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-HIGH TONE BAR
U+02E6˦11001011 10100110hinzufügen &#742;˦ MODIFIER LETTER HIGH TONE BAR
U+02E7˧11001011 10100111hinzufügen &#743;˧ MODIFIER LETTER MID TONE BAR
U+02E8˨11001011 10101000hinzufügen &#744;˨ MODIFIER LETTER LOW TONE BAR
U+02E9˩11001011 10101001hinzufügen &#745;˩ MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-LOW TONE BAR
U+02EA˪11001011 10101010hinzufügen &#746;˪ MODIFIER LETTER YIN DEPARTING TONE MARK
U+02EB˫11001011 10101011hinzufügen &#747;˫ MODIFIER LETTER YANG DEPARTING TONE MARK
U+02ECˬ11001011 10101100hinzufügen &#748;ˬ MODIFIER LETTER VOICING
U+02ED˭11001011 10101101hinzufügen &#749;˭ MODIFIER LETTER UNASPIRATED
U+02EEˮ11001011 10101110hinzufügen &#750;ˮ MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE APOSTROPHE
U+02EF˯11001011 10101111hinzufügen &#751;˯ MODIFIER LETTER LOW DOWN ARROWHEAD
U+02F0˰11001011 10110000hinzufügen &#752;˰ MODIFIER LETTER LOW UP ARROWHEAD
U+02F1˱11001011 10110001hinzufügen &#753;˱ MODIFIER LETTER LOW LEFT ARROWHEAD
U+02F2˲11001011 10110010hinzufügen &#754;˲ MODIFIER LETTER LOW RIGHT ARROWHEAD
U+02F3˳11001011 10110011hinzufügen &#755;˳ MODIFIER LETTER LOW RING
U+02F4˴11001011 10110100hinzufügen &#756;˴ MODIFIER LETTER MIDDLE GRAVE ACCENT
U+02F5˵11001011 10110101hinzufügen &#757;˵ MODIFIER LETTER MIDDLE DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT
U+02F6˶11001011 10110110hinzufügen &#758;˶ MODIFIER LETTER MIDDLE DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT
U+02F7˷11001011 10110111hinzufügen &#759;˷ MODIFIER LETTER LOW TILDE
U+02F8˸11001011 10111000hinzufügen &#760;˸ MODIFIER LETTER RAISED COLON
U+02F9˹11001011 10111001hinzufügen &#761;˹ MODIFIER LETTER BEGIN HIGH TONE
U+02FA˺11001011 10111010hinzufügen &#762;˺ MODIFIER LETTER END HIGH TONE
U+02FB˻11001011 10111011hinzufügen &#763;˻ MODIFIER LETTER BEGIN LOW TONE
U+02FC˼11001011 10111100hinzufügen &#764;˼ MODIFIER LETTER END LOW TONE
U+02FD˽11001011 10111101hinzufügen &#765;˽ MODIFIER LETTER SHELF
U+02FE˾11001011 10111110hinzufügen &#766;˾ MODIFIER LETTER OPEN SHELF
U+02FF˿11001011 10111111hinzufügen &#767;˿ MODIFIER LETTER LOW LEFT ARROW
U+0300̀11001100 10000000hinzufügen &#768;̀ COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
U+0301́11001100 10000001hinzufügen &#769;́ COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
U+0302̂11001100 10000010hinzufügen &#770;̂ COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
U+0303̃11001100 10000011hinzufügen &#771;̃ COMBINING TILDE
U+0304̄11001100 10000100hinzufügen &#772;̄ COMBINING MACRON
U+0305̅11001100 10000101hinzufügen &#773;̅ COMBINING OVERLINE
U+0306̆11001100 10000110hinzufügen &#774;̆ COMBINING BREVE
U+0307̇11001100 10000111hinzufügen &#775;̇ COMBINING DOT ABOVE
U+0308̈11001100 10001000hinzufügen &#776;̈ COMBINING DIAERESIS
U+0309̉11001100 10001001hinzufügen &#777;̉ COMBINING HOOK ABOVE
U+030Å11001100 10001010hinzufügen &#778;̊ COMBINING RING ABOVE
U+030B̋11001100 10001011hinzufügen &#779;̋ COMBINING DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT
U+030Č11001100 10001100hinzufügen &#780;̌ COMBINING CARON
U+030D̍11001100 10001101hinzufügen &#781;̍ COMBINING VERTICAL LINE ABOVE
U+030E̎11001100 10001110hinzufügen &#782;̎ COMBINING DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE ABOVE
U+030F̏11001100 10001111hinzufügen &#783;̏ COMBINING DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT
U+0310̐11001100 10010000hinzufügen &#784;̐ COMBINING CANDRABINDU
U+0311̑11001100 10010001hinzufügen &#785;̑ COMBINING INVERTED BREVE
U+0312̒11001100 10010010hinzufügen &#786;̒ COMBINING TURNED COMMA ABOVE
U+0313̓11001100 10010011hinzufügen &#787;̓ COMBINING COMMA ABOVE
U+0314̔11001100 10010100hinzufügen &#788;̔ COMBINING REVERSED COMMA ABOVE
U+0315̕11001100 10010101hinzufügen &#789;̕ COMBINING COMMA ABOVE RIGHT
U+0316̖11001100 10010110hinzufügen &#790;̖ COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT BELOW
U+0317̗11001100 10010111hinzufügen &#791;̗ COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT BELOW
U+0318̘11001100 10011000hinzufügen &#792;̘ COMBINING LEFT TACK BELOW
U+0319̙11001100 10011001hinzufügen &#793;̙ COMBINING RIGHT TACK BELOW
U+031A̚11001100 10011010hinzufügen &#794;̚ COMBINING LEFT ANGLE ABOVE
U+031B̛11001100 10011011hinzufügen &#795;̛ COMBINING HORN
U+031C̜11001100 10011100hinzufügen &#796;̜ COMBINING LEFT HALF RING BELOW
U+031D̝11001100 10011101hinzufügen &#797;̝ COMBINING UP TACK BELOW
U+031E̞11001100 10011110hinzufügen &#798;̞ COMBINING DOWN TACK BELOW
U+031F̟11001100 10011111hinzufügen &#799;̟ COMBINING PLUS SIGN BELOW
U+0320̠11001100 10100000hinzufügen &#800;̠ COMBINING MINUS SIGN BELOW
U+0321̡11001100 10100001hinzufügen &#801;̡ COMBINING PALATALIZED HOOK BELOW
U+0322̢11001100 10100010hinzufügen &#802;̢ COMBINING RETROFLEX HOOK BELOW
U+0323̣11001100 10100011hinzufügen &#803;̣ COMBINING DOT BELOW
U+0324̤11001100 10100100hinzufügen &#804;̤ COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW
U+0325̥11001100 10100101hinzufügen &#805;̥ COMBINING RING BELOW
U+0326̦11001100 10100110hinzufügen &#806;̦ COMBINING COMMA BELOW
U+0327̧11001100 10100111hinzufügen &#807;̧ COMBINING CEDILLA
U+0328̨11001100 10101000hinzufügen &#808;̨ COMBINING OGONEK
U+0329̩11001100 10101001hinzufügen &#809;̩ COMBINING VERTICAL LINE BELOW
U+032A̪11001100 10101010hinzufügen &#810;̪ COMBINING BRIDGE BELOW
U+032B̫11001100 10101011hinzufügen &#811;̫ COMBINING INVERTED DOUBLE ARCH BELOW
U+032C̬11001100 10101100hinzufügen &#812;̬ COMBINING CARON BELOW
U+032Ḓ11001100 10101101hinzufügen &#813;̭ COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT BELOW
U+032E̮11001100 10101110hinzufügen &#814;̮ COMBINING BREVE BELOW
U+032F̯11001100 10101111hinzufügen &#815;̯ COMBINING INVERTED BREVE BELOW
U+0330̰11001100 10110000hinzufügen &#816;̰ COMBINING TILDE BELOW
U+0331̱11001100 10110001hinzufügen &#817;̱ COMBINING MACRON BELOW
U+0332̲11001100 10110010hinzufügen &#818;̲ COMBINING LOW LINE
U+0333̳11001100 10110011hinzufügen &#819;̳ COMBINING DOUBLE LOW LINE
U+0334̴11001100 10110100hinzufügen &#820;̴ COMBINING TILDE OVERLAY
U+0335̵11001100 10110101hinzufügen &#821;̵ COMBINING SHORT STROKE OVERLAY
U+0336̶11001100 10110110hinzufügen &#822;̶ COMBINING LONG STROKE OVERLAY
U+0337̷11001100 10110111hinzufügen &#823;̷ COMBINING SHORT SOLIDUS OVERLAY
U+0338̸11001100 10111000hinzufügen &#824;̸ COMBINING LONG SOLIDUS OVERLAY
U+0339̹11001100 10111001hinzufügen &#825;̹ COMBINING RIGHT HALF RING BELOW
U+033A̺11001100 10111010hinzufügen &#826;̺ COMBINING INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW
U+033B̻11001100 10111011hinzufügen &#827;̻ COMBINING SQUARE BELOW
U+033C̼11001100 10111100hinzufügen &#828;̼ COMBINING SEAGULL BELOW
U+033D̽11001100 10111101hinzufügen &#829;̽ COMBINING X ABOVE
U+033E̾11001100 10111110hinzufügen &#830;̾ COMBINING VERTICAL TILDE
U+033F̿11001100 10111111hinzufügen &#831;̿ COMBINING DOUBLE OVERLINE
U+0340̀11001101 10000000hinzufügen &#832;̀ COMBINING GRAVE TONE MARK
U+0341́11001101 10000001hinzufügen &#833;́ COMBINING ACUTE TONE MARK
U+0342͂11001101 10000010hinzufügen &#834;͂ COMBINING GREEK PERISPOMENI
U+0343̓11001101 10000011hinzufügen &#835;̓ COMBINING GREEK KORONIS
U+0344̈́11001101 10000100hinzufügen &#836;̈́ COMBINING GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS
U+0345ͅ11001101 10000101hinzufügen &#837;ͅ COMBINING GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI
U+0346͆11001101 10000110hinzufügen &#838;͆ COMBINING BRIDGE ABOVE
U+0347͇11001101 10000111hinzufügen &#839;͇ COMBINING EQUALS SIGN BELOW
U+0348͈11001101 10001000hinzufügen &#840;͈ COMBINING DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE BELOW
U+0349͉11001101 10001001hinzufügen &#841;͉ COMBINING LEFT ANGLE BELOW
U+034A͊11001101 10001010hinzufügen &#842;͊ COMBINING NOT TILDE ABOVE
U+034B͋11001101 10001011hinzufügen &#843;͋ COMBINING HOMOTHETIC ABOVE
U+034C͌11001101 10001100hinzufügen &#844;͌ COMBINING ALMOST EQUAL TO ABOVE
U+034D͍11001101 10001101hinzufügen &#845;͍ COMBINING LEFT RIGHT ARROW BELOW
U+034E͎11001101 10001110hinzufügen &#846;͎ COMBINING UPWARDS ARROW BELOW
U+034F͏11001101 10001111hinzufügen &#847;͏ COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER
U+0350͐11001101 10010000hinzufügen &#848;͐ COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD ABOVE
U+0351͑11001101 10010001hinzufügen &#849;͑ COMBINING LEFT HALF RING ABOVE
U+0352͒11001101 10010010hinzufügen &#850;͒ COMBINING FERMATA
U+0353͓11001101 10010011hinzufügen &#851;͓ COMBINING X BELOW
U+0354͔11001101 10010100hinzufügen &#852;͔ COMBINING LEFT ARROWHEAD BELOW
U+0355͕11001101 10010101hinzufügen &#853;͕ COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD BELOW
U+0356͖11001101 10010110hinzufügen &#854;͖ COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD AND UP ARROWHEAD BELOW
U+0357͗11001101 10010111hinzufügen &#855;͗ COMBINING RIGHT HALF RING ABOVE
U+0358͘11001101 10011000hinzufügen &#856;͘ COMBINING DOT ABOVE RIGHT
U+0359͙11001101 10011001hinzufügen &#857;͙ COMBINING ASTERISK BELOW
U+035A͚11001101 10011010hinzufügen &#858;͚ COMBINING DOUBLE RING BELOW
U+035B͛11001101 10011011hinzufügen &#859;͛ COMBINING ZIGZAG ABOVE
U+035C͜11001101 10011100hinzufügen &#860;͜ COMBINING DOUBLE BREVE BELOW
U+035D͝11001101 10011101hinzufügen &#861;͝ COMBINING DOUBLE BREVE
U+035E͞11001101 10011110hinzufügen &#862;͞ COMBINING DOUBLE MACRON
U+035F͟11001101 10011111hinzufügen &#863;͟ COMBINING DOUBLE MACRON BELOW
U+0360͠11001101 10100000hinzufügen &#864;͠ COMBINING DOUBLE TILDE
U+0361͡11001101 10100001hinzufügen &#865;͡ COMBINING DOUBLE INVERTED BREVE
U+0362͢11001101 10100010hinzufügen &#866;͢ COMBINING DOUBLE RIGHTWARDS ARROW BELOW
U+0363ͣ11001101 10100011hinzufügen &#867;ͣ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER A
U+0364ͤ11001101 10100100hinzufügen &#868;ͤ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER E
U+0365ͥ11001101 10100101hinzufügen &#869;ͥ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER I
U+0366ͦ11001101 10100110hinzufügen &#870;ͦ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER O
U+0367ͧ11001101 10100111hinzufügen &#871;ͧ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER U
U+0368ͨ11001101 10101000hinzufügen &#872;ͨ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER C
U+0369ͩ11001101 10101001hinzufügen &#873;ͩ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER D
U+036Aͪ11001101 10101010hinzufügen &#874;ͪ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER H
U+036Bͫ11001101 10101011hinzufügen &#875;ͫ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER M
U+036Cͬ11001101 10101100hinzufügen &#876;ͬ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER R
U+036Dͭ11001101 10101101hinzufügen &#877;ͭ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER T
U+036Eͮ11001101 10101110hinzufügen &#878;ͮ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER V
U+036Fͯ11001101 10101111hinzufügen &#879;ͯ COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER X
U+0370Ͱ11001101 10110000hinzufügen &#880;Ͱ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER HETA
U+0371ͱ11001101 10110001hinzufügen &#881;ͱ GREEK SMALL LETTER HETA
U+0372Ͳ11001101 10110010hinzufügen &#882;Ͳ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ARCHAIC SAMPI
U+0373ͳ11001101 10110011hinzufügen &#883;ͳ GREEK SMALL LETTER ARCHAIC SAMPI
U+0374ʹ11001101 10110100hinzufügen &#884;ʹ GREEK NUMERAL SIGN
U+0375͵11001101 10110101hinzufügen &#885;͵ GREEK LOWER NUMERAL SIGN
U+0376Ͷ11001101 10110110hinzufügen &#886;Ͷ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PAMPHYLIAN DIGAMMA
U+0377ͷ11001101 10110111hinzufügen &#887;ͷ GREEK SMALL LETTER PAMPHYLIAN DIGAMMA
U+0378͸11001101 10111000hinzufügen &#888;͸
U+0379͹11001101 10111001hinzufügen &#889;͹
U+037Aͺ11001101 10111010hinzufügen &#890;ͺ GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI
U+037Bͻ11001101 10111011hinzufügen &#891;ͻ GREEK SMALL REVERSED LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
U+037Cͼ11001101 10111100hinzufügen &#892;ͼ GREEK SMALL DOTTED LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
U+037Dͽ11001101 10111101hinzufügen &#893;ͽ GREEK SMALL REVERSED DOTTED LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
U+037E;11001101 10111110hinzufügen &#894;; GREEK QUESTION MARK
U+037FͿ11001101 10111111hinzufügen &#895;Ϳ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER YOT
U+0380΀11001110 10000000hinzufügen &#896;΀
U+0381΁11001110 10000001hinzufügen &#897;΁
U+0382΂11001110 10000010hinzufügen &#898;΂
U+0383΃11001110 10000011hinzufügen &#899;΃
U+0384΄11001110 10000100hinzufügen &#900;΄ GREEK TONOS
U+0385΅11001110 10000101hinzufügen &#901;΅ GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS
U+0386Ά11001110 10000110hinzufügen &#902;Ά GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
U+0387·11001110 10000111hinzufügen &#903;· GREEK ANO TELEIA
U+0388Έ11001110 10001000hinzufügen &#904;Έ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
U+0389Ή11001110 10001001hinzufügen &#905;Ή GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
U+038AΊ11001110 10001010hinzufügen &#906;Ί GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
U+038B΋11001110 10001011hinzufügen &#907;΋
U+038CΌ11001110 10001100hinzufügen &#908;Ό GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS
U+038D΍11001110 10001101hinzufügen &#909;΍
U+038EΎ11001110 10001110hinzufügen &#910;Ύ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS
U+038FΏ11001110 10001111hinzufügen &#911;Ώ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
U+0390ΐ11001110 10010000hinzufügen &#912;ΐ GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS
U+0391Α11001110 10010001hinzufügen&Alpha;Α &#913;Α GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
U+0392Β11001110 10010010hinzufügen&Beta;Β &#914;Β GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA
U+0393Γ11001110 10010011hinzufügen&Gamma;Γ &#915;Γ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
U+0394Δ11001110 10010100hinzufügen&Delta;Δ &#916;Δ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
U+0395Ε11001110 10010101hinzufügen&Epsilon;Ε &#917;Ε GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON
U+0396Ζ11001110 10010110hinzufügen&Zeta;Ζ &#918;Ζ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA
U+0397Η11001110 10010111hinzufügen&Eta;Η &#919;Η GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
U+0398Θ11001110 10011000hinzufügen&Theta;Θ &#920;Θ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
U+0399Ι11001110 10011001hinzufügen&Iota;Ι &#921;Ι GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
U+039AΚ11001110 10011010hinzufügen&Kappa;Κ &#922;Κ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA
U+039BΛ11001110 10011011hinzufügen&Lambda;Λ &#923;Λ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
U+039CΜ11001110 10011100hinzufügen&Mu;Μ &#924;Μ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU
U+039DΝ11001110 10011101hinzufügen&Nu;Ν &#925;Ν GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU
U+039EΞ11001110 10011110hinzufügen&Xi;Ξ &#926;Ξ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
U+039FΟ11001110 10011111hinzufügen&Omicron;Ο &#927;Ο GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON
U+03A0Π11001110 10100000hinzufügen&Pi;Π &#928;Π GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
U+03A1Ρ11001110 10100001hinzufügen&Rho;Ρ &#929;Ρ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO
U+03A2΢11001110 10100010hinzufügen &#930;΢
U+03A3Σ11001110 10100011hinzufügen&Sigma;Σ &#931;Σ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
U+03A4Τ11001110 10100100hinzufügen&Tau;Τ &#932;Τ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU
U+03A5Υ11001110 10100101hinzufügen&Upsilon;Υ &#933;Υ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
U+03A6Φ11001110 10100110hinzufügen&Phi;Φ &#934;Φ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
U+03A7Χ11001110 10100111hinzufügen&Chi;Χ &#935;Χ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI
U+03A8Ψ11001110 10101000hinzufügen&Psi;Ψ &#936;Ψ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
U+03A9Ω11001110 10101001hinzufügen&Omega;Ω &#937;Ω GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
U+03AAΪ11001110 10101010hinzufügen &#938;Ϊ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA
U+03ABΫ11001110 10101011hinzufügen &#939;Ϋ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA
U+03ACά11001110 10101100hinzufügen &#940;ά GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
U+03ADέ11001110 10101101hinzufügen &#941;έ GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
U+03AEή11001110 10101110hinzufügen &#942;ή GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
U+03AFί11001110 10101111hinzufügen &#943;ί GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
U+03B0ΰ11001110 10110000hinzufügen &#944;ΰ GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS
U+03B1α11001110 10110001hinzufügen&alpha;α &#945;α GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA
U+03B2β11001110 10110010hinzufügen&beta;β &#946;β GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA
U+03B3γ11001110 10110011hinzufügen&gamma;γ &#947;γ GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA
U+03B4δ11001110 10110100hinzufügen&delta;δ &#948;δ GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
U+03B5ε11001110 10110101hinzufügen&epsilon;ε &#949;ε GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON
U+03B6ζ11001110 10110110hinzufügen&zeta;ζ &#950;ζ GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA
U+03B7η11001110 10110111hinzufügen&eta;η &#951;η GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
U+03B8θ11001110 10111000hinzufügen&theta;θ &#952;θ GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
U+03B9ι11001110 10111001hinzufügen&iota;ι &#953;ι GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
U+03BAκ11001110 10111010hinzufügen&kappa;κ &#954;κ GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA
U+03BBλ11001110 10111011hinzufügen&lambda;λ &#955;λ GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
U+03BCμ11001110 10111100hinzufügen&mu;μ &#956;μ GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
U+03BDν11001110 10111101hinzufügen&nu;ν &#957;ν GREEK SMALL LETTER NU
U+03BEξ11001110 10111110hinzufügen&xi;ξ &#958;ξ GREEK SMALL LETTER XI
U+03BFο11001110 10111111hinzufügen&omicron;ο &#959;ο GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON
U+03C0π11001111 10000000hinzufügen&pi;π &#960;π GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
U+03C1ρ11001111 10000001hinzufügen&rho;ρ &#961;ρ GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
U+03C2ς11001111 10000010hinzufügen&sigmaf;ς &#962;ς GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA
U+03C3σ11001111 10000011hinzufügen&sigma;σ &#963;σ GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA
U+03C4τ11001111 10000100hinzufügen&tau;τ &#964;τ GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
U+03C5υ11001111 10000101hinzufügen&upsilon;υ &#965;υ GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON
U+03C6φ11001111 10000110hinzufügen&phi;φ &#966;φ GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
U+03C7χ11001111 10000111hinzufügen&chi;χ &#967;χ GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
U+03C8ψ11001111 10001000hinzufügen&psi;ψ &#968;ψ GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
U+03C9ω11001111 10001001hinzufügen&omega;ω &#969;ω GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA
U+03CAϊ11001111 10001010hinzufügen &#970;ϊ GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA
U+03CBϋ11001111 10001011hinzufügen &#971;ϋ GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA
U+03CCό11001111 10001100hinzufügen &#972;ό GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS
U+03CDύ11001111 10001101hinzufügen &#973;ύ GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS
U+03CEώ11001111 10001110hinzufügen &#974;ώ GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
U+03CFϏ11001111 10001111hinzufügen &#975;Ϗ GREEK CAPITAL KAI SYMBOL
U+03D0ϐ11001111 10010000hinzufügen &#976;ϐ GREEK BETA SYMBOL
U+03D1ϑ11001111 10010001hinzufügen&thetasym;ϑ &#977;ϑ GREEK THETA SYMBOL
U+03D2ϒ11001111 10010010hinzufügen&upsih;ϒ &#978;ϒ GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL
U+03D3ϓ11001111 10010011hinzufügen &#979;ϓ GREEK UPSILON WITH ACUTE AND HOOK SYMBOL
U+03D4ϔ11001111 10010100hinzufügen &#980;ϔ GREEK UPSILON WITH DIAERESIS AND HOOK SYMBOL
U+03D5ϕ11001111 10010101hinzufügen &#981;ϕ GREEK PHI SYMBOL
U+03D6ϖ11001111 10010110hinzufügen&piv;ϖ &#982;ϖ GREEK PI SYMBOL
U+03D7ϗ11001111 10010111hinzufügen &#983;ϗ GREEK KAI SYMBOL
U+03D8Ϙ11001111 10011000hinzufügen &#984;Ϙ GREEK LETTER ARCHAIC KOPPA
U+03D9ϙ11001111 10011001hinzufügen &#985;ϙ GREEK SMALL LETTER ARCHAIC KOPPA
U+03DAϚ11001111 10011010hinzufügen &#986;Ϛ GREEK LETTER STIGMA
U+03DBϛ11001111 10011011hinzufügen &#987;ϛ GREEK SMALL LETTER STIGMA
U+03DCϜ11001111 10011100hinzufügen &#988;Ϝ GREEK LETTER DIGAMMA
U+03DDϝ11001111 10011101hinzufügen &#989;ϝ GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA
U+03DEϞ11001111 10011110hinzufügen &#990;Ϟ GREEK LETTER KOPPA
U+03DFϟ11001111 10011111hinzufügen &#991;ϟ GREEK SMALL LETTER KOPPA
U+03E0Ϡ11001111 10100000hinzufügen &#992;Ϡ GREEK LETTER SAMPI
U+03E1ϡ11001111 10100001hinzufügen &#993;ϡ GREEK SMALL LETTER SAMPI
U+03E2Ϣ11001111 10100010hinzufügen &#994;Ϣ COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER SHEI
U+03E3ϣ11001111 10100011hinzufügen &#995;ϣ COPTIC SMALL LETTER SHEI
U+03E4Ϥ11001111 10100100hinzufügen &#996;Ϥ COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER FEI
U+03E5ϥ11001111 10100101hinzufügen &#997;ϥ COPTIC SMALL LETTER FEI
U+03E6Ϧ11001111 10100110hinzufügen &#998;Ϧ COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER KHEI
U+03E7ϧ11001111 10100111hinzufügen &#999;ϧ COPTIC SMALL LETTER KHEI
U+03E8Ϩ11001111 10101000hinzufügen &#1000;Ϩ COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER HORI
U+03E9ϩ11001111 10101001hinzufügen &#1001;ϩ COPTIC SMALL LETTER HORI
U+03EAϪ11001111 10101010hinzufügen &#1002;Ϫ COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER GANGIA
U+03EBϫ11001111 10101011hinzufügen &#1003;ϫ COPTIC SMALL LETTER GANGIA
U+03ECϬ11001111 10101100hinzufügen &#1004;Ϭ COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER SHIMA
U+03EDϭ11001111 10101101hinzufügen &#1005;ϭ COPTIC SMALL LETTER SHIMA
U+03EEϮ11001111 10101110hinzufügen &#1006;Ϯ COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER DEI
U+03EFϯ11001111 10101111hinzufügen &#1007;ϯ COPTIC SMALL LETTER DEI
U+03F0ϰ11001111 10110000hinzufügen &#1008;ϰ GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL
U+03F1ϱ11001111 10110001hinzufügen &#1009;ϱ GREEK RHO SYMBOL
U+03F2ϲ11001111 10110010hinzufügen &#1010;ϲ GREEK LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
U+03F3ϳ11001111 10110011hinzufügen &#1011;ϳ GREEK LETTER YOT
U+03F4ϴ11001111 10110100hinzufügen &#1012;ϴ GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL
U+03F5ϵ11001111 10110101hinzufügen &#1013;ϵ GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL
U+03F6϶11001111 10110110hinzufügen &#1014;϶ GREEK REVERSED LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL
U+03F7Ϸ11001111 10110111hinzufügen &#1015;Ϸ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SHO
U+03F8ϸ11001111 10111000hinzufügen &#1016;ϸ GREEK SMALL LETTER SHO
U+03F9Ϲ11001111 10111001hinzufügen &#1017;Ϲ GREEK CAPITAL LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
U+03FAϺ11001111 10111010hinzufügen &#1018;Ϻ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SAN
U+03FBϻ11001111 10111011hinzufügen &#1019;ϻ GREEK SMALL LETTER SAN
U+03FCϼ11001111 10111100hinzufügen &#1020;ϼ GREEK RHO WITH STROKE SYMBOL
U+03FDϽ11001111 10111101hinzufügen &#1021;Ͻ GREEK CAPITAL REVERSED LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
U+03FEϾ11001111 10111110hinzufügen &#1022;Ͼ GREEK CAPITAL DOTTED LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL