UTF-8-Codetabelle mit Unicode-Zeichen

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Unicode U+1DA0 U+1D0E
UTF-8 11100001 10110110 10100000 11100001 10110100 10001110
Zeichen UTF-8
Zeichen zum Akkumulator
U+1C8011100001 10110010 10000000hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ROUNDED VE
U+1C8111100001 10110010 10000001hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LONG-LEGGED DE
U+1C8211100001 10110010 10000010hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NARROW O
U+1C8311100001 10110010 10000011hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER WIDE ES
U+1C8411100001 10110010 10000100hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TALL TE
U+1C8511100001 10110010 10000101hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER THREE-LEGGED TE
U+1C8611100001 10110010 10000110hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TALL HARD SIGN
U+1C8711100001 10110010 10000111hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TALL YAT
U+1C8811100001 10110010 10001000hinzufügenCYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UNBLENDED UK
U+1C8911100001 10110010 10001001hinzufügen
U+1C8A11100001 10110010 10001010hinzufügen
U+1C8B11100001 10110010 10001011hinzufügen
U+1C8C11100001 10110010 10001100hinzufügen
U+1C8D11100001 10110010 10001101hinzufügen
U+1C8E11100001 10110010 10001110hinzufügen
U+1C8F11100001 10110010 10001111hinzufügen
U+1C9011100001 10110010 10010000hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER AN
U+1C9111100001 10110010 10010001hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER BAN
U+1C9211100001 10110010 10010010hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER GAN
U+1C9311100001 10110010 10010011hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER DON
U+1C9411100001 10110010 10010100hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER EN
U+1C9511100001 10110010 10010101hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER VIN
U+1C9611100001 10110010 10010110hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER ZEN
U+1C9711100001 10110010 10010111hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER TAN
U+1C9811100001 10110010 10011000hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER IN
U+1C9911100001 10110010 10011001hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER KAN
U+1C9A11100001 10110010 10011010hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER LAS
U+1C9B11100001 10110010 10011011hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER MAN
U+1C9C11100001 10110010 10011100hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER NAR
U+1C9D11100001 10110010 10011101hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER ON
U+1C9E11100001 10110010 10011110hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER PAR
U+1C9F11100001 10110010 10011111hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER ZHAR
U+1CA011100001 10110010 10100000hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER RAE
U+1CA111100001 10110010 10100001hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER SAN
U+1CA211100001 10110010 10100010hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER TAR
U+1CA311100001 10110010 10100011hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER UN
U+1CA411100001 10110010 10100100hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER PHAR
U+1CA511100001 10110010 10100101hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER KHAR
U+1CA611100001 10110010 10100110hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER GHAN
U+1CA711100001 10110010 10100111hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER QAR
U+1CA811100001 10110010 10101000hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER SHIN
U+1CA911100001 10110010 10101001hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER CHIN
U+1CAA11100001 10110010 10101010hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER CAN
U+1CAB11100001 10110010 10101011hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER JIL
U+1CAC11100001 10110010 10101100hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER CIL
U+1CAD11100001 10110010 10101101hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER CHAR
U+1CAE11100001 10110010 10101110hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER XAN
U+1CAF11100001 10110010 10101111hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER JHAN
U+1CB011100001 10110010 10110000hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER HAE
U+1CB111100001 10110010 10110001hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER HE
U+1CB211100001 10110010 10110010hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER HIE
U+1CB311100001 10110010 10110011hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER WE
U+1CB411100001 10110010 10110100hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER HAR
U+1CB511100001 10110010 10110101hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER HOE
U+1CB611100001 10110010 10110110hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER FI
U+1CB711100001 10110010 10110111hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER YN
U+1CB811100001 10110010 10111000hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER ELIFI
U+1CB911100001 10110010 10111001hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER TURNED GAN
U+1CBA11100001 10110010 10111010hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER AIN
U+1CBB11100001 10110010 10111011hinzufügen
U+1CBC11100001 10110010 10111100hinzufügen
U+1CBD11100001 10110010 10111101hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER AEN
U+1CBE11100001 10110010 10111110hinzufügenGEORGIAN MTAVRULI CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN
U+1CC011100001 10110011 10000000hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU SURYA
U+1CC111100001 10110011 10000001hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU PANGLONG
U+1CC211100001 10110011 10000010hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU PURNAMA
U+1CC311100001 10110011 10000011hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU CAKRA
U+1CC411100001 10110011 10000100hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU LEU SATANGA
U+1CC511100001 10110011 10000101hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU KA SATANGA
U+1CC611100001 10110011 10000110hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU DA SATANGA
U+1CC711100001 10110011 10000111hinzufügenSUNDANESE PUNCTUATION BINDU BA SATANGA
U+1CC811100001 10110011 10001000hinzufügen
U+1CC911100001 10110011 10001001hinzufügen
U+1CCA11100001 10110011 10001010hinzufügen
U+1CCB11100001 10110011 10001011hinzufügen
U+1CCC11100001 10110011 10001100hinzufügen
U+1CCD11100001 10110011 10001101hinzufügen
U+1CCE11100001 10110011 10001110hinzufügen
U+1CCF11100001 10110011 10001111hinzufügen
U+1CD011100001 10110011 10010000hinzufügenVEDIC TONE KARSHANA
U+1CD111100001 10110011 10010001hinzufügenVEDIC TONE SHARA
U+1CD211100001 10110011 10010010hinzufügenVEDIC TONE PRENKHA
U+1CD311100001 10110011 10010011hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN NIHSHVASA
U+1CD411100001 10110011 10010100hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN YAJURVEDIC MIDLINE SVARITA
U+1CD611100001 10110011 10010110hinzufügenVEDIC TONE YAJURVEDIC INDEPENDENT SVARITA
U+1CD811100001 10110011 10011000hinzufügenVEDIC TONE CANDRA BELOW
U+1CDA11100001 10110011 10011010hinzufügenVEDIC TONE DOUBLE SVARITA
U+1CDB11100001 10110011 10011011hinzufügenVEDIC TONE TRIPLE SVARITA
U+1CDC11100001 10110011 10011100hinzufügenVEDIC TONE KATHAKA ANUDATTA
U+1CDD11100001 10110011 10011101hinzufügenVEDIC TONE DOT BELOW
U+1CDE11100001 10110011 10011110hinzufügenVEDIC TONE TWO DOTS BELOW
U+1CDF11100001 10110011 10011111hinzufügenVEDIC TONE THREE DOTS BELOW
U+1CE111100001 10110011 10100001hinzufügenVEDIC TONE ATHARVAVEDIC INDEPENDENT SVARITA
U+1CE211100001 10110011 10100010hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN VISARGA SVARITA
U+1CE311100001 10110011 10100011hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN VISARGA UDATTA
U+1CE411100001 10110011 10100100hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN REVERSED VISARGA UDATTA
U+1CE511100001 10110011 10100101hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN VISARGA ANUDATTA
U+1CE611100001 10110011 10100110hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN REVERSED VISARGA ANUDATTA
U+1CE711100001 10110011 10100111hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN VISARGA UDATTA WITH TAIL
U+1CE811100001 10110011 10101000hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN VISARGA ANUDATTA WITH TAIL
U+1CE911100001 10110011 10101001hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA ANTARGOMUKHA
U+1CEA11100001 10110011 10101010hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA BAHIRGOMUKHA
U+1CEB11100001 10110011 10101011hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA VAMAGOMUKHA
U+1CEC11100001 10110011 10101100hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA VAMAGOMUKHA WITH TAIL
U+1CED11100001 10110011 10101101hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN TIRYAK
U+1CEE11100001 10110011 10101110hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN HEXIFORM LONG ANUSVARA
U+1CEF11100001 10110011 10101111hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN LONG ANUSVARA
U+1CF011100001 10110011 10110000hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN RTHANG LONG ANUSVARA
U+1CF111100001 10110011 10110001hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ANUSVARA UBHAYATO MUKHA
U+1CF211100001 10110011 10110010hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ARDHAVISARGA
U+1CF311100001 10110011 10110011hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ROTATED ARDHAVISARGA
U+1CF411100001 10110011 10110100hinzufügenVEDIC TONE CANDRA ABOVE
U+1CF511100001 10110011 10110101hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA
U+1CF611100001 10110011 10110110hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN UPADHMANIYA
U+1CF711100001 10110011 10110111hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN ATIKRAMA
U+1CF811100001 10110011 10111000hinzufügenVEDIC TONE RING ABOVE
U+1CF911100001 10110011 10111001hinzufügenVEDIC TONE DOUBLE RING ABOVE
U+1CFA11100001 10110011 10111010hinzufügenVEDIC SIGN DOUBLE ANUSVARA ANTARGOMUKHA
U+1CFB11100001 10110011 10111011hinzufügen
U+1CFC11100001 10110011 10111100hinzufügen
U+1CFD11100001 10110011 10111101hinzufügen
U+1CFE11100001 10110011 10111110hinzufügen
U+1CFF᳿11100001 10110011 10111111hinzufügen
U+1D0011100001 10110100 10000000hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL A
U+1D0111100001 10110100 10000001hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL AE
U+1D0211100001 10110100 10000010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED AE
U+1D0311100001 10110100 10000011hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL BARRED B
U+1D0411100001 10110100 10000100hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL C
U+1D0511100001 10110100 10000101hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL D
U+1D0611100001 10110100 10000110hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL ETH
U+1D0711100001 10110100 10000111hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL E
U+1D0811100001 10110100 10001000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED OPEN E
U+1D0911100001 10110100 10001001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED I
U+1D0A11100001 10110100 10001010hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL J
U+1D0B11100001 10110100 10001011hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL K
U+1D0C11100001 10110100 10001100hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L WITH STROKE
U+1D0D11100001 10110100 10001101hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL M
U+1D0E11100001 10110100 10001110hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL REVERSED N
U+1D0F11100001 10110100 10001111hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL O
U+1D1011100001 10110100 10010000hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OPEN O
U+1D1111100001 10110100 10010001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS O
U+1D1211100001 10110100 10010010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS OPEN O
U+1D1311100001 10110100 10010011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS O WITH STROKE
U+1D1411100001 10110100 10010100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED OE
U+1D1511100001 10110100 10010101hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OU
U+1D1611100001 10110100 10010110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER TOP HALF O
U+1D1711100001 10110100 10010111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER BOTTOM HALF O
U+1D1811100001 10110100 10011000hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL P
U+1D1911100001 10110100 10011001hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL REVERSED R
U+1D1A11100001 10110100 10011010hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL TURNED R
U+1D1B11100001 10110100 10011011hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL T
U+1D1C11100001 10110100 10011100hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL U
U+1D1D11100001 10110100 10011101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS U
U+1D1E11100001 10110100 10011110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS DIAERESIZED U
U+1D1F11100001 10110100 10011111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS TURNED M
U+1D2011100001 10110100 10100000hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL V
U+1D2111100001 10110100 10100001hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL W
U+1D2211100001 10110100 10100010hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Z
U+1D2311100001 10110100 10100011hinzufügenLATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL EZH
U+1D2411100001 10110100 10100100hinzufügenLATIN LETTER VOICED LARYNGEAL SPIRANT
U+1D2511100001 10110100 10100101hinzufügenLATIN LETTER AIN
U+1D2611100001 10110100 10100110hinzufügenGREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL GAMMA
U+1D2711100001 10110100 10100111hinzufügenGREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL LAMDA
U+1D2811100001 10110100 10101000hinzufügenGREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL PI
U+1D2911100001 10110100 10101001hinzufügenGREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL RHO
U+1D2A11100001 10110100 10101010hinzufügenGREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL PSI
U+1D2B11100001 10110100 10101011hinzufügenCYRILLIC LETTER SMALL CAPITAL EL
U+1D2C11100001 10110100 10101100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL A
U+1D2D11100001 10110100 10101101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL AE
U+1D2E11100001 10110100 10101110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL B
U+1D2F11100001 10110100 10101111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL BARRED B
U+1D3011100001 10110100 10110000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL D
U+1D3111100001 10110100 10110001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL E
U+1D3211100001 10110100 10110010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL REVERSED E
U+1D3311100001 10110100 10110011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL G
U+1D3411100001 10110100 10110100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL H
U+1D3511100001 10110100 10110101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL I
U+1D3611100001 10110100 10110110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL J
U+1D3711100001 10110100 10110111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL K
U+1D3811100001 10110100 10111000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL L
U+1D3911100001 10110100 10111001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL M
U+1D3A11100001 10110100 10111010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL N
U+1D3B11100001 10110100 10111011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL REVERSED N
U+1D3C11100001 10110100 10111100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL O
U+1D3D11100001 10110100 10111101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL OU
U+1D3E11100001 10110100 10111110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL P
U+1D3Fᴿ11100001 10110100 10111111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL R
U+1D4011100001 10110101 10000000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL T
U+1D4111100001 10110101 10000001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL U
U+1D4211100001 10110101 10000010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL W
U+1D4311100001 10110101 10000011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL A
U+1D4411100001 10110101 10000100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED A
U+1D4511100001 10110101 10000101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL ALPHA
U+1D4611100001 10110101 10000110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED AE
U+1D4711100001 10110101 10000111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL B
U+1D4811100001 10110101 10001000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL D
U+1D4911100001 10110101 10001001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL E
U+1D4A11100001 10110101 10001010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL SCHWA
U+1D4B11100001 10110101 10001011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL OPEN E
U+1D4C11100001 10110101 10001100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED OPEN E
U+1D4D11100001 10110101 10001101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL G
U+1D4E11100001 10110101 10001110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED I
U+1D4F11100001 10110101 10001111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL K
U+1D5011100001 10110101 10010000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL M
U+1D5111100001 10110101 10010001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL ENG
U+1D5211100001 10110101 10010010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL O
U+1D5311100001 10110101 10010011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL OPEN O
U+1D5411100001 10110101 10010100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TOP HALF O
U+1D5511100001 10110101 10010101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL BOTTOM HALF O
U+1D5611100001 10110101 10010110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL P
U+1D5711100001 10110101 10010111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL T
U+1D5811100001 10110101 10011000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL U
U+1D5911100001 10110101 10011001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL SIDEWAYS U
U+1D5A11100001 10110101 10011010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED M
U+1D5B11100001 10110101 10011011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL V
U+1D5C11100001 10110101 10011100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL AIN
U+1D5D11100001 10110101 10011101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL BETA
U+1D5E11100001 10110101 10011110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK GAMMA
U+1D5F11100001 10110101 10011111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL DELTA
U+1D6011100001 10110101 10100000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK PHI
U+1D6111100001 10110101 10100001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL CHI
U+1D6211100001 10110101 10100010hinzufügenLATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER I
U+1D6311100001 10110101 10100011hinzufügenLATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER R
U+1D6411100001 10110101 10100100hinzufügenLATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER U
U+1D6511100001 10110101 10100101hinzufügenLATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER V
U+1D6611100001 10110101 10100110hinzufügenGREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER BETA
U+1D6711100001 10110101 10100111hinzufügenGREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER GAMMA
U+1D6811100001 10110101 10101000hinzufügenGREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER RHO
U+1D6911100001 10110101 10101001hinzufügenGREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER PHI
U+1D6A11100001 10110101 10101010hinzufügenGREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER CHI
U+1D6B11100001 10110101 10101011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER UE
U+1D6C11100001 10110101 10101100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D6D11100001 10110101 10101101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D6E11100001 10110101 10101110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D6F11100001 10110101 10101111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7011100001 10110101 10110000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7111100001 10110101 10110001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7211100001 10110101 10110010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7311100001 10110101 10110011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH FISHHOOK AND MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7411100001 10110101 10110100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7511100001 10110101 10110101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7611100001 10110101 10110110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH MIDDLE TILDE
U+1D7711100001 10110101 10110111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED G
U+1D7811100001 10110101 10111000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC EN
U+1D7911100001 10110101 10111001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR G
U+1D7A11100001 10110101 10111010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER TH WITH STRIKETHROUGH
U+1D7B11100001 10110101 10111011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL CAPITAL LETTER I WITH STROKE
U+1D7C11100001 10110101 10111100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH STROKE
U+1D7D11100001 10110101 10111101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH STROKE
U+1D7E11100001 10110101 10111110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL CAPITAL LETTER U WITH STROKE
U+1D7Fᵿ11100001 10110101 10111111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH STROKE
U+1D8011100001 10110110 10000000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8111100001 10110110 10000001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8211100001 10110110 10000010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8311100001 10110110 10000011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8411100001 10110110 10000100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8511100001 10110110 10000101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8611100001 10110110 10000110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8711100001 10110110 10000111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8811100001 10110110 10001000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8911100001 10110110 10001001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8A11100001 10110110 10001010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8B11100001 10110110 10001011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER ESH WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8C11100001 10110110 10001100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8D11100001 10110110 10001101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER X WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8E11100001 10110110 10001110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1D8F11100001 10110110 10001111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9011100001 10110110 10010000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9111100001 10110110 10010001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH HOOK AND TAIL
U+1D9211100001 10110110 10010010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9311100001 10110110 10010011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9411100001 10110110 10010100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED OPEN E WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9511100001 10110110 10010101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9611100001 10110110 10010110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9711100001 10110110 10010111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9811100001 10110110 10011000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER ESH WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9911100001 10110110 10011001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9A11100001 10110110 10011010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1D9B11100001 10110110 10011011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED ALPHA
U+1D9C11100001 10110110 10011100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL C
U+1D9D11100001 10110110 10011101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL C WITH CURL
U+1D9E11100001 10110110 10011110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL ETH
U+1D9F11100001 10110110 10011111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL REVERSED OPEN E
U+1DA011100001 10110110 10100000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL F
U+1DA111100001 10110110 10100001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL DOTLESS J WITH STROKE
U+1DA211100001 10110110 10100010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL SCRIPT G
U+1DA311100001 10110110 10100011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED H
U+1DA411100001 10110110 10100100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL I WITH STROKE
U+1DA511100001 10110110 10100101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL IOTA
U+1DA611100001 10110110 10100110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I
U+1DA711100001 10110110 10100111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I WITH STROKE
U+1DA811100001 10110110 10101000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL J WITH CROSSED-TAIL
U+1DA911100001 10110110 10101001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL L WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1DAA11100001 10110110 10101010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL L WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1DAB11100001 10110110 10101011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L
U+1DAC11100001 10110110 10101100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL M WITH HOOK
U+1DAD11100001 10110110 10101101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED M WITH LONG LEG
U+1DAE11100001 10110110 10101110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL N WITH LEFT HOOK
U+1DAF11100001 10110110 10101111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL N WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1DB011100001 10110110 10110000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL CAPITAL N
U+1DB111100001 10110110 10110001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL BARRED O
U+1DB211100001 10110110 10110010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL PHI
U+1DB311100001 10110110 10110011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL S WITH HOOK
U+1DB411100001 10110110 10110100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL ESH
U+1DB511100001 10110110 10110101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL T WITH PALATAL HOOK
U+1DB611100001 10110110 10110110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL U BAR
U+1DB711100001 10110110 10110111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL UPSILON
U+1DB811100001 10110110 10111000hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL CAPITAL U
U+1DB911100001 10110110 10111001hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL V WITH HOOK
U+1DBA11100001 10110110 10111010hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED V
U+1DBB11100001 10110110 10111011hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL Z
U+1DBC11100001 10110110 10111100hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL Z WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
U+1DBD11100001 10110110 10111101hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL Z WITH CURL
U+1DBE11100001 10110110 10111110hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL EZH
U+1DBFᶿ11100001 10110110 10111111hinzufügenMODIFIER LETTER SMALL THETA
U+1DC011100001 10110111 10000000hinzufügenCOMBINING DOTTED GRAVE ACCENT
U+1DC111100001 10110111 10000001hinzufügenCOMBINING DOTTED ACUTE ACCENT
U+1DC211100001 10110111 10000010hinzufügenCOMBINING SNAKE BELOW
U+1DC311100001 10110111 10000011hinzufügenCOMBINING SUSPENSION MARK
U+1DC411100001 10110111 10000100hinzufügenCOMBINING MACRON-ACUTE
U+1DC511100001 10110111 10000101hinzufügenCOMBINING GRAVE-MACRON
U+1DC611100001 10110111 10000110hinzufügenCOMBINING MACRON-GRAVE
U+1DC711100001 10110111 10000111hinzufügenCOMBINING ACUTE-MACRON
U+1DC811100001 10110111 10001000hinzufügenCOMBINING GRAVE-ACUTE-GRAVE
U+1DC911100001 10110111 10001001hinzufügenCOMBINING ACUTE-GRAVE-ACUTE
U+1DCA11100001 10110111 10001010hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER R BELOW
U+1DCB11100001 10110111 10001011hinzufügenCOMBINING BREVE-MACRON
U+1DCC11100001 10110111 10001100hinzufügenCOMBINING MACRON-BREVE
U+1DCD11100001 10110111 10001101hinzufügenCOMBINING DOUBLE CIRCUMFLEX ABOVE
U+1DCE11100001 10110111 10001110hinzufügenCOMBINING OGONEK ABOVE
U+1DCF11100001 10110111 10001111hinzufügenCOMBINING ZIGZAG BELOW
U+1DD011100001 10110111 10010000hinzufügenCOMBINING IS BELOW
U+1DD111100001 10110111 10010001hinzufügenCOMBINING UR ABOVE
U+1DD211100001 10110111 10010010hinzufügenCOMBINING US ABOVE
U+1DD411100001 10110111 10010100hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
U+1DD511100001 10110111 10010101hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER AO
U+1DD611100001 10110111 10010110hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER AV
U+1DD711100001 10110111 10010111hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER C CEDILLA
U+1DD811100001 10110111 10011000hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR D
U+1DD911100001 10110111 10011001hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
U+1DDA11100001 10110111 10011010hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER G
U+1DDB11100001 10110111 10011011hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G
U+1DDC11100001 10110111 10011100hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER K
U+1DDD11100001 10110111 10011101hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER L
U+1DDE11100001 10110111 10011110hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L
U+1DDF11100001 10110111 10011111hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL M
U+1DE011100001 10110111 10100000hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER N
U+1DE111100001 10110111 10100001hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL N
U+1DE211100001 10110111 10100010hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL R
U+1DE311100001 10110111 10100011hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER R ROTUNDA
U+1DE411100001 10110111 10100100hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER S
U+1DE511100001 10110111 10100101hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S
U+1DE611100001 10110111 10100110hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
U+1DE711100001 10110111 10100111hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA
U+1DE811100001 10110111 10101000hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER B
U+1DE911100001 10110111 10101001hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER BETA
U+1DEA11100001 10110111 10101010hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA
U+1DEB11100001 10110111 10101011hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER F
U+1DEE11100001 10110111 10101110hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER P
U+1DEF11100001 10110111 10101111hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH
U+1DF111100001 10110111 10110001hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER W
U+1DF211100001 10110111 10110010hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
U+1DF311100001 10110111 10110011hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
U+1DF411100001 10110111 10110100hinzufügenCOMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
U+1DF511100001 10110111 10110101hinzufügenCOMBINING UP TACK ABOVE
U+1DF611100001 10110111 10110110hinzufügenCOMBINING KAVYKA ABOVE RIGHT
U+1DF711100001 10110111 10110111hinzufügenCOMBINING KAVYKA ABOVE LEFT
U+1DF811100001 10110111 10111000hinzufügenCOMBINING DOT ABOVE LEFT
U+1DF911100001 10110111 10111001hinzufügenCOMBINING WIDE INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW
U+1DFA11100001 10110111 10111010hinzufügenCOMBINING DOT BELOW LEFT
U+1DFB11100001 10110111 10111011hinzufügenCOMBINING DELETION MARK
U+1DFC11100001 10110111 10111100hinzufügenCOMBINING DOUBLE INVERTED BREVE BELOW
U+1DFD11100001 10110111 10111101hinzufügenCOMBINING ALMOST EQUAL TO BELOW
U+1DFE11100001 10110111 10111110hinzufügenCOMBINING LEFT ARROWHEAD ABOVE
U+1E0011100001 10111000 10000000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW
U+1E0111100001 10111000 10000001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW
U+1E0211100001 10111000 10000010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E0311100001 10111000 10000011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E0411100001 10111000 10000100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E0511100001 10111000 10000101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E0611100001 10111000 10000110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E0711100001 10111000 10000111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E0811100001 10111000 10001000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA AND ACUTE
U+1E0911100001 10111000 10001001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA AND ACUTE
U+1E0A11100001 10111000 10001010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E0B11100001 10111000 10001011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E0C11100001 10111000 10001100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E0D11100001 10111000 10001101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E0E11100001 10111000 10001110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E0F11100001 10111000 10001111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E1011100001 10111000 10010000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CEDILLA
U+1E1111100001 10111000 10010001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CEDILLA
U+1E1211100001 10111000 10010010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E1311100001 10111000 10010011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E1411100001 10111000 10010100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON AND GRAVE
U+1E1511100001 10111000 10010101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON AND GRAVE
U+1E1611100001 10111000 10010110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON AND ACUTE
U+1E1711100001 10111000 10010111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON AND ACUTE
U+1E1811100001 10111000 10011000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E1911100001 10111000 10011001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E1A11100001 10111000 10011010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH TILDE BELOW
U+1E1B11100001 10111000 10011011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH TILDE BELOW
U+1E1C11100001 10111000 10011100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA AND BREVE
U+1E1D11100001 10111000 10011101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA AND BREVE
U+1E1E11100001 10111000 10011110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E1F11100001 10111000 10011111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E2011100001 10111000 10100000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH MACRON
U+1E2111100001 10111000 10100001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH MACRON
U+1E2211100001 10111000 10100010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E2311100001 10111000 10100011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E2411100001 10111000 10100100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E2511100001 10111000 10100101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E2611100001 10111000 10100110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DIAERESIS
U+1E2711100001 10111000 10100111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH DIAERESIS
U+1E2811100001 10111000 10101000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CEDILLA
U+1E2911100001 10111000 10101001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CEDILLA
U+1E2A11100001 10111000 10101010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH BREVE BELOW
U+1E2B11100001 10111000 10101011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH BREVE BELOW
U+1E2C11100001 10111000 10101100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE BELOW
U+1E2D11100001 10111000 10101101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE BELOW
U+1E2E11100001 10111000 10101110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS AND ACUTE
U+1E2F11100001 10111000 10101111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS AND ACUTE
U+1E3011100001 10111000 10110000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH ACUTE
U+1E3111100001 10111000 10110001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH ACUTE
U+1E3211100001 10111000 10110010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E3311100001 10111000 10110011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E3411100001 10111000 10110100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E3511100001 10111000 10110101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E3611100001 10111000 10110110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E3711100001 10111000 10110111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E3811100001 10111000 10111000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH DOT BELOW AND MACRON
U+1E3911100001 10111000 10111001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH DOT BELOW AND MACRON
U+1E3A11100001 10111000 10111010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E3B11100001 10111000 10111011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E3C11100001 10111000 10111100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E3D11100001 10111000 10111101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E3E11100001 10111000 10111110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH ACUTE
U+1E3Fḿ11100001 10111000 10111111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH ACUTE
U+1E4011100001 10111001 10000000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E4111100001 10111001 10000001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E4211100001 10111001 10000010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E4311100001 10111001 10000011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E4411100001 10111001 10000100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E4511100001 10111001 10000101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E4611100001 10111001 10000110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E4711100001 10111001 10000111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E4811100001 10111001 10001000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E4911100001 10111001 10001001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E4A11100001 10111001 10001010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E4B11100001 10111001 10001011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E4C11100001 10111001 10001100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND ACUTE
U+1E4D11100001 10111001 10001101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND ACUTE
U+1E4E11100001 10111001 10001110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND DIAERESIS
U+1E4F11100001 10111001 10001111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND DIAERESIS
U+1E5011100001 10111001 10010000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON AND GRAVE
U+1E5111100001 10111001 10010001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON AND GRAVE
U+1E5211100001 10111001 10010010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON AND ACUTE
U+1E5311100001 10111001 10010011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON AND ACUTE
U+1E5411100001 10111001 10010100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH ACUTE
U+1E5511100001 10111001 10010101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH ACUTE
U+1E5611100001 10111001 10010110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E5711100001 10111001 10010111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E5811100001 10111001 10011000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E5911100001 10111001 10011001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E5A11100001 10111001 10011010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E5B11100001 10111001 10011011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E5C11100001 10111001 10011100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH DOT BELOW AND MACRON
U+1E5D11100001 10111001 10011101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOT BELOW AND MACRON
U+1E5E11100001 10111001 10011110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E5F11100001 10111001 10011111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E6011100001 10111001 10100000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E6111100001 10111001 10100001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E6211100001 10111001 10100010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E6311100001 10111001 10100011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E6411100001 10111001 10100100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE AND DOT ABOVE
U+1E6511100001 10111001 10100101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE AND DOT ABOVE
U+1E6611100001 10111001 10100110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON AND DOT ABOVE
U+1E6711100001 10111001 10100111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON AND DOT ABOVE
U+1E6811100001 10111001 10101000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE
U+1E6911100001 10111001 10101001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE
U+1E6A11100001 10111001 10101010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E6B11100001 10111001 10101011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DOT ABOVE
U+1E6C11100001 10111001 10101100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E6D11100001 10111001 10101101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E6E11100001 10111001 10101110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E6F11100001 10111001 10101111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH LINE BELOW
U+1E7011100001 10111001 10110000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E7111100001 10111001 10110001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E7211100001 10111001 10110010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS BELOW
U+1E7311100001 10111001 10110011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS BELOW
U+1E7411100001 10111001 10110100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE BELOW
U+1E7511100001 10111001 10110101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE BELOW
U+1E7611100001 10111001 10110110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E7711100001 10111001 10110111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX BELOW
U+1E7811100001 10111001 10111000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE AND ACUTE
U+1E7911100001 10111001 10111001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE AND ACUTE
U+1E7A11100001 10111001 10111010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON AND DIAERESIS
U+1E7B11100001 10111001 10111011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON AND DIAERESIS
U+1E7C11100001 10111001 10111100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER V WITH TILDE
U+1E7D11100001 10111001 10111101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH TILDE
U+1E7E11100001 10111001 10111110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER V WITH DOT BELOW
U+1E7Fṿ11100001 10111001 10111111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH DOT BELOW