UTF-8-Codetabelle mit Unicode-Zeichen

Blatt mit Codepositionen U+0080 bis U+017F

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Unicode U+05AA U+0126 U+00B3 U+017F
UTF-8 11010110 10101010 11000100 10100110 11000010 10110011 11000101 10111111
Zeichen UTF-8
Zeichen zum Akkumulator
U+0080 11000010 10000000hinzufügen<control>
U+0081 11000010 10000001hinzufügen<control>
U+0082 11000010 10000010hinzufügen<control>
U+0083 11000010 10000011hinzufügen<control>
U+0084 11000010 10000100hinzufügen<control>
U+0085 11000010 10000101hinzufügen<control>
U+0086 11000010 10000110hinzufügen<control>
U+0087 11000010 10000111hinzufügen<control>
U+0088 11000010 10001000hinzufügen<control>
U+0089 11000010 10001001hinzufügen<control>
U+008A 11000010 10001010hinzufügen<control>
U+008B 11000010 10001011hinzufügen<control>
U+008C 11000010 10001100hinzufügen<control>
U+008D 11000010 10001101hinzufügen<control>
U+008E 11000010 10001110hinzufügen<control>
U+008F 11000010 10001111hinzufügen<control>
U+0090 11000010 10010000hinzufügen<control>
U+0091 11000010 10010001hinzufügen<control>
U+0092 11000010 10010010hinzufügen<control>
U+0093 11000010 10010011hinzufügen<control>
U+0094 11000010 10010100hinzufügen<control>
U+0095 11000010 10010101hinzufügen<control>
U+0096 11000010 10010110hinzufügen<control>
U+0097 11000010 10010111hinzufügen<control>
U+0098 11000010 10011000hinzufügen<control>
U+0099 11000010 10011001hinzufügen<control>
U+009A 11000010 10011010hinzufügen<control>
U+009B 11000010 10011011hinzufügen<control>
U+009C 11000010 10011100hinzufügen<control>
U+009D 11000010 10011101hinzufügen<control>
U+009E 11000010 10011110hinzufügen<control>
U+009F 11000010 10011111hinzufügen<control>
U+00A0 11000010 10100000hinzufügenNO-BREAK SPACE
U+00A1¡11000010 10100001hinzufügenINVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
U+00A2¢11000010 10100010hinzufügenCENT SIGN
U+00A3£11000010 10100011hinzufügenPOUND SIGN
U+00A4¤11000010 10100100hinzufügenCURRENCY SIGN
U+00A5¥11000010 10100101hinzufügenYEN SIGN
U+00A6¦11000010 10100110hinzufügenBROKEN BAR
U+00A7§11000010 10100111hinzufügenSECTION SIGN
U+00A8¨11000010 10101000hinzufügenDIAERESIS
U+00A9©11000010 10101001hinzufügenCOPYRIGHT SIGN
U+00AAª11000010 10101010hinzufügenFEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
U+00AC¬11000010 10101100hinzufügenNOT SIGN
U+00AD­11000010 10101101hinzufügenSOFT HYPHEN
U+00AE®11000010 10101110hinzufügenREGISTERED SIGN
U+00AF¯11000010 10101111hinzufügenMACRON
U+00B0°11000010 10110000hinzufügenDEGREE SIGN
U+00B1±11000010 10110001hinzufügenPLUS-MINUS SIGN
U+00B2²11000010 10110010hinzufügenSUPERSCRIPT TWO
U+00B3³11000010 10110011hinzufügenSUPERSCRIPT THREE
U+00B4´11000010 10110100hinzufügenACUTE ACCENT
U+00B5µ11000010 10110101hinzufügenMICRO SIGN
U+00B611000010 10110110hinzufügenPILCROW SIGN
U+00B7·11000010 10110111hinzufügenMIDDLE DOT
U+00B8¸11000010 10111000hinzufügenCEDILLA
U+00B9¹11000010 10111001hinzufügenSUPERSCRIPT ONE
U+00BAº11000010 10111010hinzufügenMASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
U+00BC¼11000010 10111100hinzufügenVULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
U+00BD½11000010 10111101hinzufügenVULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
U+00BE¾11000010 10111110hinzufügenVULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
U+00BF¿11000010 10111111hinzufügenINVERTED QUESTION MARK
U+00C0À11000011 10000000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
U+00C1Á11000011 10000001hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
U+00C2Â11000011 10000010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00C3Ã11000011 10000011hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
U+00C4Ä11000011 10000100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
U+00C5Å11000011 10000101hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
U+00C6Æ11000011 10000110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
U+00C7Ç11000011 10000111hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
U+00C8È11000011 10001000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
U+00C9É11000011 10001001hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
U+00CCÌ11000011 10001100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
U+00CDÍ11000011 10001101hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
U+00D0Ð11000011 10010000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
U+00D1Ñ11000011 10010001hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
U+00D2Ò11000011 10010010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
U+00D3Ó11000011 10010011hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
U+00D4Ô11000011 10010100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00D5Õ11000011 10010101hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
U+00D6Ö11000011 10010110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
U+00D7×11000011 10010111hinzufügenMULTIPLICATION SIGN
U+00D8Ø11000011 10011000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
U+00D9Ù11000011 10011001hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
U+00DAÚ11000011 10011010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
U+00DDÝ11000011 10011101hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
U+00DEÞ11000011 10011110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
U+00DFß11000011 10011111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
U+00E0à11000011 10100000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
U+00E1á11000011 10100001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
U+00E2â11000011 10100010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00E3ã11000011 10100011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
U+00E4ä11000011 10100100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
U+00E5å11000011 10100101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
U+00E6æ11000011 10100110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER AE
U+00E7ç11000011 10100111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
U+00E8è11000011 10101000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
U+00E9é11000011 10101001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
U+00EAê11000011 10101010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00EBë11000011 10101011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
U+00ECì11000011 10101100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
U+00EDí11000011 10101101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
U+00EEî11000011 10101110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00EFï11000011 10101111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
U+00F0ð11000011 10110000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
U+00F1ñ11000011 10110001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
U+00F2ò11000011 10110010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
U+00F3ó11000011 10110011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
U+00F4ô11000011 10110100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00F5õ11000011 10110101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
U+00F6ö11000011 10110110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
U+00F7÷11000011 10110111hinzufügenDIVISION SIGN
U+00F8ø11000011 10111000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
U+00F9ù11000011 10111001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
U+00FAú11000011 10111010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
U+00FBû11000011 10111011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+00FCü11000011 10111100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
U+00FDý11000011 10111101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
U+00FEþ11000011 10111110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
U+00FFÿ11000011 10111111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
U+0100Ā11000100 10000000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
U+0101ā11000100 10000001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON
U+0102Ă11000100 10000010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
U+0103ă11000100 10000011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
U+0104Ą11000100 10000100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
U+0105ą11000100 10000101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
U+0106Ć11000100 10000110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
U+0107ć11000100 10000111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
U+0108Ĉ11000100 10001000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0109ĉ11000100 10001001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+010AĊ11000100 10001010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
U+010Bċ11000100 10001011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
U+010CČ11000100 10001100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
U+010Dč11000100 10001101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
U+010EĎ11000100 10001110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON
U+010Fď11000100 10001111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON
U+0110Đ11000100 10010000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
U+0111đ11000100 10010001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
U+0112Ē11000100 10010010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON
U+0113ē11000100 10010011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON
U+0114Ĕ11000100 10010100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH BREVE
U+0115ĕ11000100 10010101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH BREVE
U+0116Ė11000100 10010110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0117ė11000100 10010111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0118Ę11000100 10011000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
U+0119ę11000100 10011001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
U+011AĚ11000100 10011010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON
U+011Bě11000100 10011011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON
U+011CĜ11000100 10011100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+011Dĝ11000100 10011101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+011EĞ11000100 10011110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE
U+011Fğ11000100 10011111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE
U+0120Ġ11000100 10100000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0121ġ11000100 10100001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0122Ģ11000100 10100010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
U+0123ģ11000100 10100011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
U+0124Ĥ11000100 10100100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0125ĥ11000100 10100101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0126Ħ11000100 10100110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE
U+0127ħ11000100 10100111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE
U+0128Ĩ11000100 10101000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
U+0129ĩ11000100 10101001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE
U+012AĪ11000100 10101010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
U+012Bī11000100 10101011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
U+012CĬ11000100 10101100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH BREVE
U+012Dĭ11000100 10101101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH BREVE
U+012EĮ11000100 10101110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
U+012Fį11000100 10101111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
U+0130İ11000100 10110000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
U+0131ı11000100 10110001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
U+0132IJ11000100 10110010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ
U+0133ij11000100 10110011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ
U+0134Ĵ11000100 10110100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0135ĵ11000100 10110101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0136Ķ11000100 10110110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
U+0137ķ11000100 10110111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
U+0138ĸ11000100 10111000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER KRA
U+0139Ĺ11000100 10111001hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
U+013Aĺ11000100 10111010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
U+013BĻ11000100 10111011hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
U+013Cļ11000100 10111100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
U+013DĽ11000100 10111101hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON
U+013Eľ11000100 10111110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON
U+013FĿ11000100 10111111hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT
U+0140ŀ11000101 10000000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT
U+0141Ł11000101 10000001hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
U+0142ł11000101 10000010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
U+0143Ń11000101 10000011hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
U+0144ń11000101 10000100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
U+0145Ņ11000101 10000101hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
U+0146ņ11000101 10000110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
U+0147Ň11000101 10000111hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON
U+0148ň11000101 10001000hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON
U+0149ʼn11000101 10001001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE
U+014AŊ11000101 10001010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG
U+014Bŋ11000101 10001011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER ENG
U+014CŌ11000101 10001100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON
U+014Dō11000101 10001101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON
U+014EŎ11000101 10001110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH BREVE
U+014Fŏ11000101 10001111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH BREVE
U+0150Ő11000101 10010000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0151ő11000101 10010001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0152Œ11000101 10010010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
U+0153œ11000101 10010011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
U+0154Ŕ11000101 10010100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
U+0155ŕ11000101 10010101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
U+0156Ŗ11000101 10010110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
U+0157ŗ11000101 10010111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
U+0158Ř11000101 10011000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON
U+0159ř11000101 10011001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON
U+015AŚ11000101 10011010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
U+015Bś11000101 10011011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
U+015CŜ11000101 10011100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+015Dŝ11000101 10011101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+015EŞ11000101 10011110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
U+015Fş11000101 10011111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
U+0160Š11000101 10100000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
U+0161š11000101 10100001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
U+0162Ţ11000101 10100010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
U+0163ţ11000101 10100011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
U+0164Ť11000101 10100100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON
U+0165ť11000101 10100101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON
U+0166Ŧ11000101 10100110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE
U+0167ŧ11000101 10100111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE
U+0168Ũ11000101 10101000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE
U+0169ũ11000101 10101001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE
U+016AŪ11000101 10101010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON
U+016Bū11000101 10101011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON
U+016CŬ11000101 10101100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE
U+016Dŭ11000101 10101101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE
U+016EŮ11000101 10101110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
U+016Fů11000101 10101111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
U+0170Ű11000101 10110000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0171ű11000101 10110001hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
U+0172Ų11000101 10110010hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
U+0173ų11000101 10110011hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
U+0174Ŵ11000101 10110100hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0175ŵ11000101 10110101hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0176Ŷ11000101 10110110hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0177ŷ11000101 10110111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX
U+0178Ÿ11000101 10111000hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
U+0179Ź11000101 10111001hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
U+017Aź11000101 10111010hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
U+017BŻ11000101 10111011hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
U+017Cż11000101 10111100hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
U+017DŽ11000101 10111101hinzufügenLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
U+017Ež11000101 10111110hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
U+017Fſ11000101 10111111hinzufügenLATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S