UTF-8-Codetabelle mit Unicode-Zeichen

Blatt mit Codepositionen U+B600 bis U+B6FF

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Unicode U+0072
UTF-8 72
Zeichen UTF-8
U+B600eb 98 80
U+B601eb 98 81
U+B602eb 98 82
U+B603eb 98 83
U+B604eb 98 84
U+B605eb 98 85
U+B606eb 98 86
U+B607eb 98 87
U+B608eb 98 88
U+B609eb 98 89
U+B60Aeb 98 8a
U+B60Beb 98 8b
U+B60Ceb 98 8c
U+B60Deb 98 8d
U+B60Eeb 98 8e
U+B60Feb 98 8f
U+B610eb 98 90
U+B611eb 98 91
U+B612eb 98 92
U+B613eb 98 93
U+B614eb 98 94
U+B615eb 98 95
U+B616eb 98 96
U+B617eb 98 97
U+B618eb 98 98
U+B619eb 98 99
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U+B61Beb 98 9b
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U+B61Feb 98 9f
U+B620eb 98 a0
U+B621eb 98 a1
U+B622eb 98 a2
U+B623eb 98 a3
U+B624eb 98 a4
U+B625eb 98 a5
U+B626eb 98 a6
U+B627eb 98 a7
U+B628eb 98 a8
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U+B62Feb 98 af
U+B630eb 98 b0
U+B631eb 98 b1
U+B632eb 98 b2
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U+B634eb 98 b4
U+B635eb 98 b5
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U+B638eb 98 b8
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U+B63Aeb 98 ba
U+B63Beb 98 bb
U+B63Ceb 98 bc
U+B63Deb 98 bd
U+B63Eeb 98 be
U+B63Feb 98 bf
U+B640eb 99 80
U+B641eb 99 81
U+B642eb 99 82
U+B643eb 99 83
U+B644eb 99 84
U+B645eb 99 85
U+B646eb 99 86
U+B647eb 99 87
U+B648eb 99 88
U+B649eb 99 89
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U+B658eb 99 98
U+B659eb 99 99
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U+B65Feb 99 9f
U+B660eb 99 a0
U+B661eb 99 a1
U+B662eb 99 a2
U+B663eb 99 a3
U+B664eb 99 a4
U+B665eb 99 a5
U+B666eb 99 a6
U+B667eb 99 a7
U+B668eb 99 a8
U+B669eb 99 a9
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U+B66Feb 99 af
U+B670eb 99 b0
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U+B67Feb 99 bf
U+B680eb 9a 80
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